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Hey! This is a bit from me! Your author! If you hadn't noticed there is a sequel(not really?? Idk) called "New Friends" the title is temporary and there's no cover cause I can't think of one. Congratulations if you can read the title

As I explained before, I decided to separate this from Ponderosa Daughter. I as a writer and Josephine as a woman, has changed. Taking such a major shift needed this change.

Why this change? Because I few months ago, maybe early April, I don't remember anymore. I had been really watching Walker Texas Ranger and writing a story about Madelena Finley. The streaming service removed the show so I didn't have anything to watch since I don't have cable in my room which is my main writing space. So I watched a little of Bonanza but I wasn't really feeling it like I used to. Another reason why there massive breaks in between chapters and stories I didn't finish.

Back to the point here: I came across Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. I accidentally started with Season 6. My blind eyeballs couldn't see that and watched about 4 episodes and I was confused but I liked it.

If you've seen the show you know what happens and why I was confused. If you haven't I won't spoil but i suggest watching it on Amazon prime. So I watched on my tablet one day and I was like "Season 1? Ohhhhh" so I started with that. I loved it so freaking much! Like I couldn't put it down and heavily debated on writing anything until I finished every single episode. Since I knew how Season 6 began, I had to know how it ended.

I was left in tears (literally I was crying) when I got back around to the season 5 finale. I loved the whole series minus two episodes, it doesn't matter what they are cause the really aren't important to the show as a whole.

I have a list of my favorite episodes and highlights from the show and quotes. I even did an alignment chart.
All the seasons were my favorite but 5 and 6 really stuck with me.

I loved Michaela and Sully's relationship throughout the show. You could tell by the second episode Sully cares for her. Their house? Amazing? The wedding was so beautiful! Katie is so precious, she's definitely a Papa's girl.

I wished for a better ending though. I liked Colleen( Unpopular opinion, I like Jessica Bowman better) and and Andrews wedding but I felt it was a rushed ending after going down such a climate spiral downhill i needed something more.

A lot of the last few episodes seemed rushed. Example "Point Blank" maybe someday I'll write my interpretation as a one shot. I would have made it two parts cause legit so much more could have be expanded upon from the first 13 minutes (I've literally watched it like 15 times cause I rewatched it to get everything out of it. I do this a lot though.)

Anyway I'll get off my tangent on that(I need another season) but get onto why I thought I needed to put the stories together. The time lines are really messed up. I know that but ignore it. Cause the end of Dr. Quinn is November/ early December 1867 I think. I can't remember the episode where there was a calendar in season 6. Ponderosa Daughter takes place is 1893 currently.

I knew I wanted to write a Dr. Quinn story but independently I couldn't think of anything. I love my idea. I knew that Josie needed to woman role model since she didn't have a mother, grandma or aunts. Henry also needed a role model to get himself out of his comfort zone. Henry was comfortable where he was but suffering from postpartum depression. Men suffer from it as much as women do so it was important to tell.

Originally Isaac was supposed to be Brian's age but him being younger worked better. Isaac looks fondly up to Brian and he was like a little brother to him. I knew Katie and Hazel needed to be similar ages and Michaela and Josie to be expecting at similar times. I originally planned for Michaela to have one baby but I'll tell you why after I write that part why she's having twins. I knew Josie was going to have a boy. It's also implied in the show that Michaela and Sully, you know what at the end of "To Have and to Hold" we all have our opinions on the gender of the baby but you'll see. I'll shut up so don't accidentally tell you guys.

It's weird to me that I'm writing a story knowing almost every detail, but you on the other side of the screen doesn't. I don't know what the heck to do with Josie sometimes. She reminds me of myself, just wandering in a world that I have yet to discover. I'll be going to college next fall. Yikes! But I love writing and I'd love to write different things as well as fanfics.

I knew where I wanted to go with this story and I have chapters planned. After that I'll probably take a break and focus on my senior year and YouTube.

I wanna make an "ask the cast" so if you have questions for any of them don't hesitate to ask! If you have questions for me ask! I also wanna do a character breakdown and any other ideas. If you have story ideas as well put them in the comments. I'm gonna do a "Spoiler Section" so I can rant in more detail as well as share my thoughts.

Fun fact: in my mind I had a dream man in my head and when I started watching Dr. Quinn I was like "my dream man looks like Sully.". Hahahhahahahaaha im single and happy and now I'm gonna go write more. It's a super cute chapter.

That's all I got for now! See y'all in the next chapter over in "New Friends"

One more thing! If you want to submit a cover sent it to me! My inbox is open! You can also submit titles too! Now I'm really leaving, this has gone on long enough.

Love you guys! -Terryn!

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