03. Marcin

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Translator: Schiotka
Editor: Pasadera, JacquelineMonaie

A few days earlier.

"And why couldn't you go on your own?" Nivan asked, keeping his hands in his pockets and looking Marcin over suspiciously. The wind was blowing his long hair.

"Because, my dear, I had the brilliant idea that we could run... together!"

The Redhead's brows shot up and a stupid expression formed on his face.

"Sometimes I don't know what to say to your brilliant ideas. Wait..." Nivan stopped abruptly. "You're kidding, right?" he added, a little worried.

Marcin stopped in his tracks, turned around gracefully, and grinned.

"No, I'm not."

The Redhead fell silent for a moment. Apparently, he had to digest the meaning of these words.

"You just came back. You were away for three days. I just finished eight hours at uni. I'm hungover. And you want to RUN? To get dinner?"

"You know, in the past you were more spontaneous," Marcin grimaced. "I thought we could do something different, because all we do is fart and sit around. We used to run. A lot. Everywhere and always."

"In the past I was fifteen kilograms lighter."

"It's not my fault you've been eating so much..." Marcin stopped abruptly, seeing the Redhead's face. "It's not far away," he added quickly.

The Redhead raised one eyebrow and gave him a lopsided look. He was silent again, his eyes boring into Marcin's.

"What do you mean by 'not far'?" he asked suspiciously. He had already learned that in almost everything Marcin said there was a catch.

"Well... it's not far... if we jump a bit."

"... jump...?"

"Yeah, over those rooftops." He pointed with a tilt of his head. "When I'm in a hurry I take this shortcut to get to my band practice."

The Redhead was afraid of exactly that kind of catch. He sighed and looked at the buildings that, now he thought about it, weren't too tall. They reminded him a bit of the sandcastles he used to make when he was in elementary school. Up and down, up and down, up and...

"If you want to make another Ezio* out of me, my answer is no, thanks."

Marcin looked at him impatiently. And with slight reproach. Because he really thought it was a good idea. Besides, they'd already stood in one place for too long, and he was hungry. Firyal must be already starving at home.

"Nivaaan, come on." Marcin bent his knees a few times in a gesture of impatience. "I thought they taught you to do flips with that 'ninjitsu' of yours? You've got some strong legs on you. It'll be fun. Don't be a prick. I'll help you."

The Redhead looked at Marcin for a moment, as if considering the idea. Then he turned toward the buildings again and took his hands out of his pockets.

"I guess... I guess it could actually be fun."

He smiled slightly to himself and combed his hair over to the right with his fingers. And then he moved, shooting forward without warning.

"The loser buys the beer!" he shouted, taking long, strong strides.

Marcin's eyes went wide. He smiled and ran after him.

"Cheater! Wait!"


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