Paper Shredders, Peaches and the Filthy Fifty

Start from the beginning

"I'm not that insane!" Spencer insisted, sitting on the couch.
"One more thing, do you know of Mumford and Sons?" Benji asked.
"No." I paused, recalling his last name was Mumford. "Are you related to them or something?"
"No. They're a British band. They're also really good. Plus, Mumford is ranked the five thousand, one hundred and fifty-sixth most common last name."
"How do you know that?"

"I do my research."

I was really starting to like this kid.


Somehow we ended up in this movie room with a huge screen, a bar converted into a mini concessions stand, and a bunch of really comfy couches with beanbag chairs on the floor because they really wanted me to watch "Stand By Me".
"Grayson?" Benji called, rifling through the drawers and cabinets of the bar, looking for something. He opened the fridge.
"Do we have any peaches?"
"Why would you look for peaches in the cabinets?"
"I dunno!" Benji replied.
"There're some in the main kitchen in the fridge drawer with your name on it."
"You dedicated a drawer to me?" Benji placed his hand over his heart dramatically, and Dick nodded.

"Peaches?" I asked aloud when Benji scampered off to get the fuzzy fruit.
"They're his favourite food. That's almost all he eats, so I got him a drawer in one of the fridges and put his name on it with tape, then filled it with peaches."
"Oh." I murmured, thinking they probably wouldn't keep for long. He must eat them fast.
"We'll start with 'Stand by Me', right, Dick?" Spencer asked from the neatly organized shelves of movies.
"Yeah, Scar needs to watch it." Dick confirmed, crossing his legs, plucking out a piece of popcorn from the bag, popping it into his mouth. Spencer set up the movie and we started it when Benji got back, and the quiet munching of peaches was heard.


"Wow... Teddy really does look like you." I commented when we finished the movie.
"This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once!" Spencer cried, quoting Teddy Duchamp from the movie.
"But you're gonna be stupid for the rest of your life." Dick chimed in, quoting Chris Chambers from the movie as well. We all laughed. "Okay, so I have to work out, but you guys can still stay while I do that if you want." I blinked, and Spencer looked at me suggestively, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Okay." Benji said. I agreed to stay, as he'd invited us to dinner. Dick led us to the workout room after changing in his room, letting us sit on a high, blue and squishy mat next to a trampoline.

"So today, Saturday, is Filthy Fifty day." Dick announced.
"What's 'Filthy Fifty day'?" I asked.
"The Filthy Fifty, my dear Scarlett," He drawled jokingly. "Is fifty box jumps, fifty jumping pull-ups, fifty kettlebell swings, fifty steps of walking lunges, fifty knees to elbows, fifty push presses, fifty back extensions, fifty wall ball shots with a twenty pound ball, fifty burpees-" He paused, taking a deep breath. "And fifty double unders. In total, five hundred rounds of stuff."
"Wow." Benji murmured. Dick pulled his phone out of his pocket and tossed it to Spencer, which he caught clumsily.
"Will you time me?"
"Yeah." Spencer replied, unlocking it and going to the timer app. "You ready?"

Dick nodded after waltzing over to a box meant for jumping up onto. Spencer hit the button and Dick began jumping. And man, could that kid jump. He was done before I could blink. I was amazed at his jumping pull-ups. He did them so quickly, pulling his body up so his chest was touching the bar, his arms completely still. On the last pull-up he did, he jumped over the bar and landed on the ground.
"Show-off." I muttered, knowing I could do the exact same thing.
"Ya think?" Benji scoffed, looking up at me as I stood up, pulling Dick's blue hoodie over my head, revealing my red racer back shirt.
"I got this." I said, jogging over to the pull-up bar. I jumped up, gripping the bar, pulling my body up, grunting softly.

I did the fifty, raring to go for another round, but I didn't really want to work out in front of the boys. I casually strolled back to the mat and sat down.
"Wow." Benji murmured. "I can't even do two pull ups."
"If you want to, you gotta work at it." Was my advice. Spencer appeared to be zoning out, staring at another trampoline across the room.
"Spence? You okay?" Benji asked.
"Yeah." The green-eyed boy blinked, fixing his glasses. He didn't really look okay, he was kind of pouting. When Dick finished, he came prancing over, telling Spencer to stop the time.
"Fifteen minutes and forty point six seconds." Spencer announced. Huh. That was pretty good, I thought.

"Damn!" Dick huffed, looking at me with a grin stuck on his face. "What?" I scoffed, twisting my ponytail.
"That's like, my worst time ever! You distracted me!" My friend joked.
"Oh please." I scoffed, thinking his time was just fine. There was a pause filled with chuckles and grins, when Dick spoke up and asked what we wanted to do next. We ended up going back to his bedroom, Dick and I occupying his bed, leaning against the wall, Benji sitting on the floor against his oak dresser, a sketchbook and pencil in his hand. Spencer had turned the armchair around so it was facing us and was seated in it, his legs crossed. I zoned out, staring out the window, until Spencer got my attention.

"So what d'you guys think of this 'Archangel' chick?" I looked over at him.
"What d'you mean?" Dick asked, looking over at the boy talking.
"Do you think she's bad?"
"Nope." Benji said, not looking up from his work.
"Neither do I." Dick chimed in. "If she was, why would she heal people?"
"That's true." Spencer replied, raising his eyebrows. I thought it best not to say anything, as they were talking about me. How nice. As the various conversations went on, Spencer and Dick made me laugh so much, tears were in my eyes. Despite what Spencer thought, I thought he was every bit as crazy as Teddy. After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Dick called. It was Alfred.
"Master Dick, I have prepared pizza for supper, and it is ready."
"Thanks Alfred." Dick replied as we all got up. Benji set his work on Dick's desk and as the boys left the room, I passed the desk, stopping in my tracks at what I saw. Benji had drawn a picture of Dick and I in incredible and accurate detail. I was looking up, smiling at him and he was looking over at Spencer, even though he wasn't in the drawing. My favourite feature in it was my eyes, looking up at my friend. The whole thing was so beautiful. I had no idea Benji was capable of such amazing work.


So there ya have it.
Votes are always appreciated.
I'd love to hear what y'all think should happen next or what you liked about this chapter. :) Sorry this took me so long.

Question of the Day: What d'you guys think of Benji and Spencer?


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