Charlie Dawson

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Above, or to the side is a collection of pictures of our lovely little Charlie Dawson, a character I'll introduce in this chapter. That'd be kind of silly to have a chapter called "Charlie Dawson", with no Charlie in it.

Anyway, I must say, I was a little saddened by the response to the last chapter. I thought you guys would've gone crazy for that one, because they kissed! Yay! It doesn't really matter, I guess. (The lower vote count)

I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to end this book, but don't foresee it happening anytime that soon. Is that okay with you guys?

On with the chapter!



Scarlett's POV

"How did he get in?!" I asked Dick, who looked at me worriedly.
"I have no idea--"
"Quiet, my lovelies!" The Joker cackled, swinging the gun around, making me growl. If I had my Archangel suit on, I could try and take him down, but I didn't. Plus, when I got really angry with Green Arrow, apparently my eyes started glowing, and I didn't want anyone to see that. Although, as I looked at the Joker about to harm all these people around me, I figured I might as well try and stop him. I looked down, shutting my eyes, focusing on giving the Joker heartburn on steroids.
"Agh!" He shouted, his free hand moving to clutch the left side of his chest in pain. As he fell to his knees, another shot fired, hitting a man in a black suit.

"Oh my--" I gasped, wanting desperately to get over to him and fix him. Suddenly, the smash of a window was heard, and I looked over, muttering "What now?!" as I saw Batman break through the front window, his huge shape striking fear into my heart even though I knew he was only here to help take down the Joker. Maybe he followed the Joker here, too. Whilst Batman grabbed the Joker, fighting him as he yanked him back out of the house, I ignored Dick's commands to get back down as I stood, running over to the man who had been shot. Everyone was clamouring around, not doing anything productive. I pushed my way through the crowd, people asking "what the hell I was doing" as I fell to my knees in front of the man, assessing his wound.

"I'm trained in first-aid- I know what I'm doing!" I replied to everyone yelling at me. He was shot in the stomach, his blood quickly soaking his white shirt, and still conscious. If I didn't do something, he would bleed out, for sure. "Someone call 911! Tell them we have a gunshot to the stomach victim, conscious, a man about twenty-five. Tell them where we are too!" I barked to anyone who would listen, and no one moved. "Quickly! And get me a first aid kit, please!" It was then that I heard who I was pretty sure was Felicity Smoak call-
"On it!"
Vicki came first with a whole bunch of towels, which I used to stop the bleeding.
"Thank you." I breathed, applying direct pressure to his stomach, murmuring encouraging things to my patient. People were crowding around, freaking out. "Please make them back up, God." I prayed in my head, planning to heal the man a little bit to render his wound non-fatal, because at that point I still wasn't sure if he would survive without use of my abilities.

However, I didn't want anyone to see.
"All of you, back up!" Barked Felicity, bringing me the first aid kit. I smirked, hiding my about-to-start-glowing hands under the man, making the bleeding slow.
"It's okay, everyone. She knows what she's doing." Oliver told the still surrounding group of people. Vicki was sobbing, and Bruce was no where to be seen.
"What's your name?" I asked, looking down at the good-looking young man I was treating.
"C-Charlie--" he responded in a raspy voice, his accent telling me he was British. "What a bloody bastard--" Charlie mused, referring to the Joker, his eyes fluttering a little.
"Hey, hey- Stay with me, buddy."

"B-buddy? Love, I'm p-" Charlie coughed, a little blood coming up with it. "Probably five years older than y-you." I laughed, even through Charlie now had blood in his mouth, looking like he was going to die. I knew he wasn't.
"You're gonna be okay, okay?"
"Right then. Whatever you say." Charlie replied, relaxing his body, staring up at the ceiling with watering eyes. "Oh God--" He gasped, starting to panic.
"Charlie, I am not lying to you. You are going to be just fine, kapeesh?"
"What does 'kapeesh' mean?" He trailed off at the end of the sentence, his eyes closing. The people around gasped, panicking more than before.
"Charlie!" Vicki cried, moving closer to us. "Oh my God!"

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