"Did i say I'll listen to you" i turned around to leave but Jimin suddenly grab me by the wrist and turned me back so i was facing him . He than twisted my arm behind my back .

"Ouch that hurt leave me !!" I shouted.

"That's how hurt i felt when we see Tae " he said now finally leaving my hand " just give me 5 mint will you " i was so scared that i nodded angry jimin is scary.

"Okay thanks . Its all my fault . Okay . Tae hurted you that day and remember i gave you my number well it was Tae's number . He first came to me when you texted him. I told him to fix his problem with you--"

"By lying" i spat .

" I know he shouldn't have pretend to be me. And i am sorry that when i found that out i still helped him".

"I think 5 mints are over . I am leaving" i turned again to leave but before i leave jimin said .

" Just give him chance to explain . He is not someone who will talk to any one just to make" i turn to look at jimin he is speaking with such sincerity for his friend that i had to listen to him." fun of that person. Plus girls are head over heels for Tae. If he is trying to pursue you it mean--" before he could say more i tripped from my own foot "ahhhh!! " I screamed in the fear that i would hit the hard floor now but i was in something warm. I opened my eyes which were close from the fear of falling and when i look up. I saw a blade like jaw line. "Jimin is holding me" .. i think to my self.

" I am holding you- . How did you tripped?" he said still holding me in his arm.

" What are you two doing here?" we both jumped when we heard Tae's deep voice. Tae with blood shot eyes looking at us like he is a Tiger and we are his prey .

" Ehem i should go " i said but before i can leave Jimin still have his arm around my waist. " Psst psst " i whispered to which Jimin look at me " your  hand" i mumbled as if Tae can't see us but he is watching our every moment.

" No i think i should LEAVE. You both can continue your Stuff" he turned and left. Jimin ran after him . And i was alone in the class . What just happened. I took a deep breath which I forget i was holding . Why i am always in a messed situation. I shake my head and started to walk out of the class room .


It was long day today . Suga dropped me home an hour a go . Its his daily routine to drop me home after school because we're neighbors. Well i just took shower and now i am lying on the best listening to my favorite song "Mikrokosmos". This song is really soothing and always fill my heart with warm desire. I don't know when i dozed off listening to this song . I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing.  I look at the screen it says.

~~~Liar Calling~~~~~

Why he is calling me at this time of night its almost 11:00 PM . Should i pick or should i ignore . Pick , ignore . Pick , nah i am going to ignore but we can see why he called like its been almost a month since he last called. After debating with my self for 1 minute . I picked the call.

"Hello is this Fiestygirl?"

This is not Tae. Who could it be . And what's with the Fiestygirl?


"I am sorry but its the name written here"

" Its okay but who are you ? This phone belongs to my boyfriend"

Boyfriend ? What a heck . I said it without thinking OMG i am an idiot.

"Oh i am a Manager of ABC Bar this sir had been drinking alot and now he is passed out its almost Closing time can you please come and get him and also pay the Bill. He haven't paid yet".

My Arrogant Boyfriend (Kim taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now