Chapter 1

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Being the last of my kind sucks, having to hide when the Blood Moon pack, Shadow Pack or the Night Walker Pack come and stops by for a visit, even having to hide from my own pack really sucks. If my pack see me they will give me over to the king himself and he will for sure torture me and eventually kill me.

After my mother gave birth to me she loved me the moment she laid her eyes on me 'as she say' but when I turned 3 I started turning into my wolf which werewolf's pup shouldn't turn until they are 16 or 17 years old but I started turning into my wolf early so my mother hid me from the world even from my farther being the Alpha batá and all, my farther thinks I died from rogues and my mother said that is how it will stay. I live in a cave not the far from my pack, it is a walking distance so my mother can walk to and from to come and see me and then get back to the pack so nobody founds out.

I'm 17 now and I started getting this power that scared me a lot. When someone or something dies I can bring the back to life which scares the shit out of me that I didn't tell my mum and I don't think I will ever.

"ROSE" I jumped up out of my dream to see my mother giggling at me, fear turned into happy and love

'Mum" she puts her stuff down and I run to her into her open arms and we hug for a really long time

"I thought you will not be back till tomorrow, is something wrong" pulling away from the huge to see my mothers face changed when I said that

"Well yess my love there is going to be a rogue attack and I'm scared that they are going to find you and kill you or even worse turn you into them" looking at my mother to see tears coming down made my heart brake, I grabbed her and gave her a big huge

"Don't worry they will not found me I can hide my sent remember" I said smiling at her and her face went from sad to a little smile on her face

"I do remember it just they might act damn but they are really smart and they do have strong wishes on there side as the Alpha said if they find you it bad having a wolf like you on there side it fears me to say but they will be unstoppable" my smile was gone when she said that, I nodded and went back into my cave and sat down

"Sweet I have to get going I have to help out the pack and get all the kids to safety, but I did bring you your favourite to have for dinner and some other stuff"

she hands my a bag and when I looked in side there was a stake and vegies and a box that is raped up with a bow, I looked up to see my mother had left, looking back down into the bag to see a letter as well.


Dear my sweet girl

Happy birthday my love I cant believe you are 17. Soon you will be 20 and you will leave and find your place in the world where you don't have to hide to survive, open the box before reading ahead my love.

I put the card down and picked up the box with the bow when I opened it it was a moon and a wolf it was beautiful NO it was gorgeous I loved it I grabbed my hair tie and put my hair up and then put my necklace on 'picked up the card'

I hope you love the necklace it has been past down from generation to generation mother to sons to farther to daughter, my mother got give this from her father then she past it down to me on my 17 birthday and I happy to pass it down to you my love.

I love you so much you are a gift from the moon goddesses and im happy to say you are my baby girl see you soon hope you love the necklace and hope you love your dinner



Hope you guys love my first chapter

sorry not sorry if it is shit


hope you keep on reading

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