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Graysons POV

"Oh hello dear, Grayson was it?" Y/n's grandma answered the door

"Yes, it's lovely to see you again Mrs l/n" I lean down to her level and hug her

"Please, call me Barbara. You must be here to take y/n on a date, lucky girl" she giggled

"I'm the lucky one" I smile

"Well she's not ready yet but I've got pancakes waiting in the kitchen if you'd like any, I'm going on my shift in an hour" she told me

"I could never say no to pancakes" I laugh and follow her to the kitchen.

Your POV

I heard my grandma talking to Grayson down stairs so I hurry and put my shoelaces on. Gray was right, it is a bit chilly outside so I decided to wear ripped skinny jeans with a red and black flannel shirt tied around my waist and a long sleeve white crop top. I decorated my neck with a silver choker and layered necklace then put my pandora bracelet on my left wrist. I tied my hair up into a braided ponytail.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see them both sitting in the bench enjoying some pancakes while having a good chat.

"Morning darling" grandma gets up and hugs me

"Wow... you look beautiful" I blush and gray comes and kisses me on the cheek

"Well dear I've got a 24 hour shift to attend, so you have the house to yourselves tonight" she paused and walked closer to me

"Don't forget to use protection while having fun" She winks and I hear gray laugh as I blush once more.

She says goodbye giving us both a hug and walking out the door to her white Mazda 3.

"Think she likes me?" Gray asks

"Nah shit" I playfully push his shoulder and laugh

"Alright let's go on this mystery date" I grab his hand and lead him out

We drive for about 20 minutes until we get to the theme park. I squealed in excitement since I hadn't been here yet. It's right on the pier and it's beautiful. Gray planned on taking me to breakfast but since grandma already cooked pancakes we just ate those. We head straight for the big rides.

"Omg this is SO fun" I squeal as we go faster on the big swings

Gray and I were holding hands on the ride and kept looking at each other. I was having the time of my life. We've been on 5 rides now, two of them twice and it's time to eat lunch.

"OMG. IS THAT GRAYSON DOLAN! CAN WE GET A PICTURE PLEASE" a group of girls ran at us and
I got pushed to the back.

He got pictures with them all. I was so confused. How do they know him? They literally look 12. He's in high school dude. I just stand back and watch in confusion waiting for all the girls to stop squeaking. Kinda frustrating tho.... like he's my man back off. lol jks.

"What was that all about" I look at him

"Oh it was nothing" I laugh in his face

"Your joking right, a bunch of twelvies  just ran up to you screaming your name asking for photos and your just gonna say it was nothing?" I raise an eyebrow

"Huh you really don't know do ya" he smirks

"No and it's kinda pissing me off that I dunno why my mans just got attacked" I cross my arms stopping to face him fully

"You're cute when you're pissed off" he boops my nose and I give him the Death stare

"Baby it's ok... me and E are kinda sorta famous?" My eyes widen

"Kinda sorta! Uhm elaborate please" he laughs and we take a seat

"Well we started making vine videos and uh now we have over 5 million followers on it so then we started YouTube and we've on my made a few videos but we already hit 2million subs on there ... so uh yea we kinda famous" he shrugs his shoulders

"How the fuck did I not know that" he shrugs again and we continue our convo while getting lunch

- back at your house

We got home and started making out on my bed. It was beginning to get hot so we stripped each other naked. He started giving me love bites all the way down to my clit. He started sucking making me moan then stuck a finger in. One became three and he came back up to me and thrusted his member in me til we hit our highs.

- note
Oof this is shit boi. First off, THE TWINS HIT TEN MILLION IM SO FUCKING PROUD, second off, tried something different at the end and it's probs shit n probs won't ever do it again lmao and third of all, this is kinda boring so I'm sorry bout that. But hope you enjoyed <3

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