Chapter 22: Lay With Me

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Louis POV

"Get your fucking hands off him you bloody bastard!", my anger surges through my veins and within a second, I'm at lightning speed, grabbing Niall by the neck and slamming to the floor.

I pull myself down with him and I extract my arm back with the other holding him down and then I release the other arm forward, punching him in the nose really hard. Then I repeat the action a few more times, until I feel someone tugging at my waist, trying to pull me up and then a voice to go with it. 

"Louis! Louis! Stop it! Please, he's had enough!", Harry begs.

"He was trying to fucking hurt you, Harry!", I yell at him, frustrated and seething with rage.

"I know! But look at him! He's fucking bleeding and it likes like you broke his nose!", His voice cracks and I feel a pain in my chest. The crack in his voice hit me hard and washed some of the anger away. 

I sighed and stood up, not before kicking Niall in the stomach one more time before turning to Harry, who looked terrified, yet relieved at the same time. 

I could tell he was about to cry and my furious expression immediately softened, and I pulled him into a tight embracem as he hid his face into the crook of my neck and quietly sobbed, I hushed him soothingly and ran my fingers through his curls. 

I ignored Niall's pained moans and pulled away from Harry, holding his hand in mine and began leading him out of the school.

Once we were outside, I let go of his hand and turned to face Harry, I minimized the space between us, and stared deeply into his green orbs. I lifted my hand up to his face and cupped his cheek, gliding my thumb under his eyes, wiping his tears away lovingly, and then I kissed his quivering lips gently.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, leaning my forehead against his. "I'm so sorry." 

We stayed like that for a while, and then I drove him home. The ride home was quiet, he actually fell asleep. 

I don't mind though, if anything I'm glad he's sleeping. He's been under so much stress and he deserves some relief from it.

When I reached his house, I pulled in and looked over at Harry. He looked so beautiful when he's sleeping. His face looks so peaceful and happy, compared to how he is when he's awake. The vunerability is nearly impossible to find when he's asleep, which makes me happy. 

I stare at him for a few more minutes and then I lightly shake his shoulders.

"Harry, love. It's time to wake up. We're here."

He slowly lifts his head from the window and his eyes that mine always get lost in, flutter open and he looks around confused of where he is for a moment until the scenery finally sinks in.

He looks at me and a dimpled smile appears on his face, and I feel the tingle in my stomach that I get whenever he looks at me like that.

"Thank you for driving me home, Louis.. And"-. he pauses, feeling unsure whether to say it, "for helping me with Niall. I don't know what's gotten into him."

His name being said brought some of my anger back and I gritted my teeth. 

If he ever hurts my Hazza bear again or even thinks about it, that'll be the last thing he does. 

I composed myself and warmly smiled towards Harry, "Of course, babe. I promise that he'll never lay even as much as a finger on you again. I won't let that happen.", I say firmly with confidence and truth.

This causes Harry's eyes to light up a bit and a small chuckle escapes my throat, "Let me walk you up, boo." 

He nods his head, and we both get out of the car and walk up his driveway to his front door. Harry unlocks it and then walks in, leaving it open for me to enter, and I close it behind me. 

He walks straight into the kitchen and pulls two packets of something out of the pantry. I raise my eyebrows, curious of what it is and walk over to see that it is hot cocoa.

Harry grabs two coffee mugs, then he pours each packet into a mug, adding some milk and putting it in the microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

I follow behind Harry who walks into his living room and turns on the tv, changing the last watched channel to TBS. 

Friends is on and he turns up the volume a bit, grabbing a blanket from the recliner and bringing it to the couch. He puts the blanket down for a second and heads back into the kitchen, taking the hot cocoa out of the microwave, adding a few miniature marshmallows and brings the mugs into the living room, setting them on the coffee table. 

He finally looks up at me and has a childish grin on his face.

"What?", I question with a grin.

"Cuddle!", he beams and the way he said it makes my hear jump. He's so adorable. 

I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch, laying down first, pushing myself up against the couch corner, then he joins in second, and I pull his waist closer to me and wrap my arms protectively around him, laying my head on his shoulder.

We lay there for hours, just cuddling, chatting a bit, and drinking hot cocoa, and watching Friends until we both drift off and a peaceful sleep takes over me.


A/N: Hello! This is Chapter 22 of Hold My Heart In Your Hands  and I hope you like it! This is my longest fanfic ever and I'm really proud of how many people have read it! I really appreciate it, so thank you for reading it and expect more chapters to come your way!! 

Vote & Give feedback on this chapter as well!

Hold My Heart In Your Hands ~ Larry StylinsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz