Chapter 8: Life in My Eyes

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Harry POV

I force my head down as I walk down the asile between the desks and sigh. What is he going to bug me with today? Question why I barely talk? Or why I'm so antisocial? Yeah, to find that out, you'd actually have to have a conversation with me.... Something that isn't going to happen between him and I... or anyone in that matter. Not even Niall. I feel really bad for going off on him like that, but I had to set things straight between us. I'm not going to just pretend that everything is ok. Fake smiles come with a story. Or no, is it best smiles? Real looking smiles? You know what? I don't give a shit... the point is, I'm not happy and am going to continue to ignore everyone. Nothing has changed, nor will. 

Once I'm in my seat, Louis' head turns directly to me. Where the hell is the teacher? I lean up a bit in the seat and glance in every direction, except Louis', to see if I can find Mr. Hemmings anywhere, but just to my fucking amazing irish luck, he still isn't here. 

Louis oh so kindly decides to speak up after staring at me for like 5 minutes "Hey" I don't respond back, only duck my head a bit and fiddle with my hands. 

He lets out a deep sigh "I heard you sing.. in the music room.... like 10 minutes ago? are really good, you know that?"

My face pales and I start feeling queasy in my stomach but I stay silent still. Am I comfortable with the fact he was watching me? No. Is it creepy? Yes. Was my thought right about someone watching? Yes. So that was Louis that I thought I saw.... Is he following me or something?

As if reading my mind he says "I am not stalking you, if thats what you're thinking.... I was looking for you because I wanted to talk to you and then I heard a guitar when I was searching in a clear part of the hallways, ending up outside of the music room door and I didn't want to interrupt so I just listened a bit. You are really talented, Harry." he tries again. My head is still down and then with my actual luck this time, when Louis about to say something else, Mr. Hemmings decides to pop through the door. It's about time....

"Morning class. Sorry I'm a bit late, I had a meeting early this morning and we got out a bit later than usual." He turns around after throwing his books and briefcase on his desk, giving us an apologetic smile.

Oh. no it's alright... maybe you should've come a bit later. Louis and I probably would've been baking cookies and playing footsie by the time you returned....

No. sorry isn't a fucking option! Why the hell does this Louis dude have to try pushing his way into my life?! Why not another pathetic piece of shit. The school is probably bound to have about 5 more, but no. He just has to choose me... Well, news flash Tomlinson, I'm not easy to get. So come at me, and I'll watch you fall on your face and not even apologize....

"Mr. Styles." Hmn? What? Wait? HuH? Why did he call on me? 

"Mm?" my voice comes out a bit hoarse and raspy.

"Are you paying attention?" he looks irritated and is impatiently stomping his feet, eyebrow raised. Damn.... someone is being a bitch.

"Hmmn" I nod my head a bit. I hear a chuckle to my left, and who does that beautiful.... no annoying laugh come from? You probably already know... yeah, Louis.

I turn my head to his direction and shoot an icy glare towards him. He stares back into my eyes. Our eyes are basically making purple. If thats the color that green and blue make, because y'know, our eyes are blue and green and yeah.... 

One side of his lips curl up in a sympathetic smile. 

Fuck you Tomlinson. I don't need your damn sympathy.

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