Ch 10

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A/N- the video is basically just to help imagine how Eliza is in this chapter because this song inspired me to make this chapter when I was watching the movie (BTW- is you haven't seen Aladdin yet, I recommend it cause it's so good! I freaking love this song so much!)

August 11, 1819
Entry room, hallway in front of meeting room, castle front courtyard

Date:August 11, 1819Location:Entry room, hallway in front of meeting room, castle front courtyard

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3rd Person POV

     Alex and the pirates sat on some couches and looked at Emilee. They crossed their arms and looked to the floor. After a few moments they heard shuffling around.

     When they looked up, they saw Emilee trying to mimic their position: crossed arms, leaning back, one leg sitting over the other.

     She continued to move her dress around and sit that way as well, too busy to notice the pirates watching.

Angelica- What are you doing?

     Emilee immediately stopped and sat up straight.

Emilee- N-Nothings. I-I was just-

Angelica- Hey, it's fine. It's fine if you sit like that.

     Emilee slowly went back to that position. She had a hard time doing so, and the girls knew why.

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