"This is just so much! How did the Moon Goddess think I was meant for this?" He asks, walking out of my arms and looking out the window.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." I quote, remembering one of my favorite books.

"Only you would quote Shakespeare when I'm upset." He laughs. "And I love that."

I smile towards Damon, he was so handsome. I got too lucky. I look past Damon and out the window, white flakes were falling slowly from the sky.

"It's snowing!" I exclaim, running towards the window. I smile, seeing the green grass slowly turn white.

"Indeed, it is." Damon says, coming up behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Come on! Let's go outside!" I say, pulling him out of the large room. We both put on a few layers before heading outside.

"Blue Crescent doesn't get much snow." Damon says, walking with his arm around me.

"We get a few inches every year. It only stays cold for about a month or two." I say, as we walk through the snow covered garden.

"Are you ready for the Christmas Ball tonight?" He asks me. Every year there was an annual Christmas ball which would also be my first. I had a tight red dress picked out to wear while Damon was just going with a simple black and white tuxedo. He wasn't too pleased about the ball, this was our first as King and Queen and his distaste did not change. Planning the ball was rather fun, it was definitely made for a Queen, I had to pick out tablecloths, napkins, color schemes, floral, almost anything you could think of.

"I guess so, it's another first for me." I say, admiring the beautiful castle I had the pleasure of living in, dusted with snow.

"It's not anything special, I skipped it most times." Damon says, trying to help.

"Didn't you skip almost every ball?" I ask, thinking back to my parents annoyance of the man standing next to me.

"That's very true, it seemed useless." He says.

"My parents would talk for days about how rude you were to skip the many balls." I say, waiting for his reaction.

"Oh well, I'll be at every ball now, right?" He jokes.

"Because you're required to..." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear me.

"I enjoy them, I make the choice to come!" He exclaims.

"You tried to cancel every ball!" I protest.

"Whatever..." He grumbles.

We finish our walk before heading inside to get ready for the ball. The Christmas decorations looked gorgeous as always, so charming.

A few hours later, guest start arriving for the ball.

"Damon, your hair looks fine, we need to get downstairs now!" I groan, trying to get him to stop 'fixing' his hair.

"It just doesn't look right." He says, still touching his hair. He's been in the bathroom for almost an hour and we needed to leave.

"It looks great." I say pulling his hands away from his head, I move his hair around a bit and then place his crown on. "See, you look hot."

"Look at that bump..." He says, staring at me in the mirror. The dress I was wearing was very tight, which meant my baby bump was on full display. This was the first public encounters since we announced the baby so I felt like it was right.

"I know, the baby is getting big." I smile, rubbing a hand over my growing belly. "But we need to get downstairs."

Once we're downstairs, we start welcoming the villagers and some Alphas. The ballroom looked magical with all the decorations and music.

"Congratulations on the next heir, Your Majesties!" A little old lady says, give us a small curtsy.

"Thank you very much!" I smile.

"Your majesty, we've found a strange man lurking around the back of the castle. Please stay near the guards as we approach this man." One of our head warriors mind-links us. Instantly our personal guards get a bit closer.

"We've closed off all entrances, you should be safe, Your Majesty's." Jeffrey, one of our guards, says. We never had one of these scares before, but all the guards knew what to do. Everyone in the ballroom kept acting as though nothing was wrong which was a good sign. Daniel comes rushing up to us, making sure we were okay.

"It's just a strange man, we're fine." I joke, placing my hand in Damon's.

"Anything could be a threat, we have to take drastic measures." Daniel says, seriously. I roll my eyes at him. We keep getting congratulated on our pregnancy as we anxiously wait for the result of the strange man. Damon was on edge, waiting like this. Finally after 30 minutes, we get a reply:

"He had a gun and smelt like the past Queen, he's now in the dungeon, waiting to be questioned."

"Have them run the perimeter of the castle to make sure there aren't any other." Damon says in his Alpha voice. "The ball is over."


Wowwww I'm back!!  Sorry this took awhile, I've been busy! But you guys have been giving this book so much attention in the last month and I'm so thankful!! I went from 20 reads a chapter to 500 in less than a month, that's crazy!! Thank you guys soooo much!!!

Word count: 1448

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