Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman

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Spivak's cabin

Y/n, Nadia and Spivak were sitting in the kitchen eating dinner, well Spivak was eating, Y/n just poked at her food and Nadia wasn't eating her food either. Y/n and Spivak sat across from each other, Nadia sitting next to her.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked where Miranda is." Spivak swallowed what was in his mouth and proceeded to cut another piece of his food.

"She's not here. Her spirit isn't, she's fucking dead." Y/n finally took a bite of her food, she saw Nadia finally start eating out of the corner of her eye; Spivak seemed to notice too.

"Language Y/n." He took another bite.

"English Doc." Y/n lifted her fork. Her comeback made him smile.

"Y'know in all my two thousand years I have only come across five, now six, L/n witches who could shift and had Rh null blood. Meeting you that day when Roman brought you in for a simple flu, it's like fate wanted -no- needed me to finish what I planned." Spivak by now had finished his food.

"Yeah, fate." Y/n squinted her eyes. She didn't fully know her 'role' in this whole thing yet but she thought maybe he needed her magic or something.

"I mean your ancestors, they were tough cookies. Always traveling all together, I could never get them alone. Well, there was this one time- no wait that wasn't it. One of your grandmothers down the line was burned at the stake for being accused of witchcraft. Granted there was no solid evidence she just rejected this guy and he was furious so he had her killed. Of course, she didn't die but she did disappear and that was how I lost track of your whole blood line. In fact she was the last one I saw before I met you." Spivak dumbed out leaving Y/n so confused.

What does this have to do with anything happening now?

"Huh?" Y/n tilted her head.

"Oh right. Got a little side track there. Your magic combined with your blood and healing ability from your other form is the perfect way to make this new generation stronger. They'll multiply faster too." He picked up his plate and put it in the sink.

"New generation?" She mumbled, she was still mildly confused.

At least I know why I'm still alive. Can't say the same for Miranda.

"Well I can't tell you everything. That, my dear, would be spoilers." Spivak walked back over and grabbed her and Nadia's plates, putting them in the sink.

Take those spoilers and shove 'em up your ass, overgrown gecko.


Roman's house 

Peter was at Roman's house the next morning. Roman had already told him about the location of Spivak's place in Pennsylvania.

"It should only take a couple hours to get to Pecksville." Roman grabbed a pre-packed duffle bag off the table.

"What's the plan once we get there? That's the plan?" Peter gave Roman a look. Roman just unzipped the bag and showed him the guns. "Roman, we're not going pheasant hunting. That thing had a 30-foot wingspan." Peter rolled his eyes. He was exhausted, he's been crying all night. 

Dylan didn't show up, which was no surprise to either of them. He was at home in too much shock to even leave his house but he trusted them to get his sister back.

"You got a better one? I'm all over it. Pryce is trying to come up with a magic bullet or some shit, but who the fuck knows?" Roman zipped the bag and stood back up.

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