Chapter 17: We're Connected

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Y/n sees snow. She's surrounded by it. 

Okay this is a dream.

Everything is black and white. 

Kind of feels like one of those old silent movies. 

Peter and Roman were frozen. Peter was running while yelling and Roman is ahead of him looking to the side. 

There is a house with a boy on a swing set in front of it. 

Miranda is there, which surprises Y/n, back facing the house and the boy looking off into the distance. 

Everyone starts appearing in different places. Beside the house, inside the house, and beside the boy. 

The boy fades away. 

The family goes inside. 

Peter and Roman aren't frozen anymore, they are running towards the house. Miranda and Y/n watch through the window as the boy plays with his toys. 

Then the man in the white mask appears in the corner watching him.

"We are hot, hot, hot, you are not, not, not We are hot, hot, hot, you are not, not, not." Echoes through the air around them as the boy continues to play with his toys. 

Miranda looks towards Roman and Peter and starts to scream, yet everything is still. 

The only splash of color Y/n saw was the red devil on the little boy's shirt.

*End of dream*

Y/n opens her eyes and calmly sits up, so many questions running through her head.

Where am I? What was that dream about? Why was Miranda in it? Will-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a toilet flushing followed by a sink turning on. 

She turned to her right to see an empty hospital bed. There was a window to her left. In the direction of the bathroom door she heard the sink turning off. 

The door opens and out walks Dylan in his normal clothes, not just a flimsy hospital gown he's been dressed in for a year.

Then memories of last night came rushing through her head. He was sitting on the bed awake and there was a reunion filled with tears along with  a lot of hugs.

"Doctor said I could leave in a few hours we just need to fill out some paperwork." Dylan shut the bathroom door. Y/n smiled and pulled her legs up into the chair, so she was sitting criss cross on the chair facing him.

"That's good. Now we can go back to normal." She rested hands on her knees.

"This town is far from normal. And from what I've heard there's still shit happening." He sat down on the bed. He definitely wasn't going to miss this place.

"Yeah but I've got it covered. I'll handle it. You still need to recover." Y/n let out a sigh.

"Uh- No no no. I don't know what parallel universe you think you walked into. I'm helping." Dylan swung his legs over the bed so they were in front of Y/n.

"Dylan I've got this. I'm perfectly fine. Besides you're fresh out of a coma." She slightly threw her hands in the air. Dylan proceeds to quickly lean back as if he dodged a hit. Y/n gave him a look of confusion.

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