"It's a very- It's a very complicated situation." He said stuttering.

"How complicated can it be? Everyone comes from somewhere. You did. I did. Where did the baby come from? I mean, if you don't want to tell me, fine, but since I seem to be the kid's major source of nourishment these days, I thought I'd ask." She ranted still trying to pry information out of him and Y/n just looked down once again remembering whose death brought Nadia into this world.

"The father's not in the picture, and the mother's dead." Y/n cut in walking over to stand beside Roman. She didn't want him to blow up on the blonde because he was looking at everything in the room but her.

"And you're taking care of this child because?" She asked looking at them.

"Look, Miranda, it's really not something you need to worry about, OK? Now, I really need to get going." He said walking away wanting to leave the conversation at that.

"Well, I am fucking lactating. Who fucking lactates?" She exclaimed as she followed him and he stopped fixing his tie.

"Mammals, mostly." Roman was clearly being a smartass.

"Who have been pregnant and have had offspring. I have not been pregnant. I have not had offspring. I do not even like children. Children are sticky. They smell funny. This town is giving me the creeps. I have got to get out of here." She ranted again while Y/n decided to stay in the kitchen to quietly make herself breakfast and Miranda something vegan. Still watching and listening to the conversation though.

Maybe she should have my anti-anxiety meds.

"I am sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for what you're going through," Roman said, trying to calm her down. 

Not gonna work. 

Y/n bit into a piece of toast from a nearby plate, still watching.

"There is something wrong here. Very wrong! My Aunt Margo died at a young age." She started in a very worried tone until Roman interrupted her.

Rest in Peace, Aunt Margo. 

Okay, let's make breakfast. Que the Matilda moment.

"This isn't fatal! I promise." He said looking her in the eyes then turning to walk to the door.

Some of this, some of that.

"And uncomfortable, and-" She started up again following him.

"You're not gonna die!" He turned again trying to convince her.

Roman finally noticed what Y/n was doing in the kitchen and his eyes widened a little, seeing all the floating objects. She just gave him a smile and wave, motioning for him to distract her longer. 

Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

He just turned and headed towards the door.

"Aunt Margo did, because she carried the death gene, and I bet it means that I do, too." Miranda stopped at the door as he did.

Aunt Margo, come get your niece.

OH! Maybe some strawberries as a side. Wait am I allergic to those. Eh- whatever let natural selection happen.

"If you're that worried, we'll get you to a doctor, OK?" Roman said in a softer tone.

"One who specializes in spontaneous freak lactation?" She said sarcastically.

Whipped cream?- Yeah, whipped cream. Is that vegan?- No.

"Arnold Spivak. He's good. The family doctor. Dr. Arnold's been in Hemlock Grove as long as anyone can remember. Y/n's went to him a few times before and he's helping with her family member in the hospital. She or Conway can drive you. Have the bill sent to me, OK?" He said quickly, trying to satisfy her. Y/n's head perked up at the mention of her name.

Panthers in Hemlock Groveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें