My old school and the teachers that were in it

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This chapter is about my old school.So,I went to this school for 2 years,yet they were the longest years in my life,and not in a good way.

First,we have 5th grade.I had a very good teacher,and her name was Mrs.Rios. She always made science fun and interesting,and even math wasn't that bad.That was an okay year,I guess.Pretty good.

After that was 6th grade.The year probably would have been better if the teachers were different.I'm not going to name names,but I will tell you about these teachers.For reading I had a fine teacher.The only thing that I didn't like about her was that she would always rage at one of my friends whenever he fell asleep.It's just that,oh,I don't know,but something made it less enjoyable than usual.It was probably one of my classmates.

His name was Nathan,and he was really annoying.Like,the entire school hated him except for one of my friends,who was nice to basically everybody.I remember all the nicknames me and my friends gave Nathan.His full name is:Nathan Nathaniel Cardi B Kim Kardashian humongous chungus Brittany roleplayer Gilchrist.

Anyway,back to talking about the teachers.There was this one teacher I had for social studies.His class was really unenjoyable.All he did was hand us laptops and we were supposed to Google answers.How is that supposed to help us in life?All it teaches us is not to use our brains and just to rely on the internet.Also,on the last day of school,he told one of my friends (the same one that fell asleep in reading)that he looks, "cool in headphones". WTF!

After that,math.I was always changing my mind about my math teacher.At times I admired her for taking charge,but at time she seemed...kind of....well,mean.She would always get annoyed at students and yell at them.She just seemed so pissed off all the time.(Plus,everyone agrees that she looks like an emo.)

Science.The class that I hated and loved.I hated it because all the teacher did was show us videos and give us work,but I loved it at the same time because he never paid attention to what any of the students were doing.He would just be on his computer at the back of the class.Come to think of it,I never did find out what he did on his computer...

My last class was band.I played the cornet which is basically just a smaller version of a trumpet.I really liked our band director.He knew how to control the class,but it was also fun to learn how to play music!

Something that really pissed me off about my old school was its rules.For example,for the entire time I was there,they always separated the boys and the girls,which sucks because it's like they assume that girls should only have friends that are girls,and boys should only have friends that are boys.Also,at lunch,they would sit us in this weird pattern that almost always ensured that you couldn't sit next to your friends.

And don't even get me started on the dress code!It's so useless!And they really enforce it,too!It's almost like they stare at your jeans to see if they're ripped.I don't understand the point of all of this...

WElP,thaT's thE eNd oF thiS chAptEr!TunE in nExt tIme,sAme-bAt tIme,saMe bAt -channel!

...I really should stop watching old shows.

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