
17 0 7

Ugh,I barely have any classes with my friends...Me and Felix both have science first,but with different teachers so I'm just sitting over here with depression(T^T).I've got the last two classes with Kathya and Madilyn...I have P.E with Kaylee an' Illeana so that's good too.I don't know about Miah or Illeana's full schedule...


I love you all so so so much.I hope we get to sit next to each other at wunchtime.(^·^)

WhAt iF tHe taBlEs noT biG enOugh?!?!?!?wHat iF iT onLy seAts aBoUt 5 pEopLe?!?!?!Has anyone else worried about this?

After all,the friend group is vewy big.I don't wanna kick out anyone.But i CoULd sAcrIfiCe mYseLf,riGhT?

G'bye.I love you all a wot!

I̶D̶K̶ A̶n̶y̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ [CRINGE COMPILATION]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin