Chapter 2

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I found myself right outside the school gates. This seemed rather surprising as it usually is a long awkward, boring walk to school but today was different. See, normally I would put on my headphones and silently walk to school. Trying desperately to not make any eye contact and to actually walk in a straight line. I am usually focusing on my walking or trying to act normal so I don't have much time to think about school or what lessons I'm gonna have. I usually zone out and the music just fills my ears. But like I said, today was different.

I didn't zone out whilst listening to my music nor did I bother about walking in a straight line. Instead I had the thought of frank stuck in my head, his adorable smile and that wink.. oh that wink... enough to actually make me blush (I don't really blush or show affection in like any way sooo this is something) yesterday he was wearing black ripped  skinny jeans  and a black,blue band top which was honestly amazing. His black messy hair, perfectly in place, slightly covering his forehead. Other than perfect there were no words to describe him. I was very curious to find out more about him and my awkwardness was not gonna stop me from doing that.

I walked towards the double doors, still having a perfect image of frank in my head, when my sweet day dream was rudely interrupted by a loud and obnoxiously high-pitched bell. "Shit!" I say, as I realise I'm already late. Since I'm in a good mood, I decide to make an effort to not be too late, so I run to my locker and desperately open it, i pull out my sketch book , pen and a folder out of my bag, before shoving it in my locker. I take a quick glance at my schedule and realise I have algebra first :/ "great" I sigh, and head off into the corridors till I reach room "to4".

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate algebra or maths in general (not saying that I like it in any way) but the teacher is what makes me hate the lesson the most. She makes me sit at the front and has the audacity to ask me her questions and actually think I'm gonna answer them. I never answer her stupid question, so I either shrug my shoulders or glare at her for interrupting me.(by interrupting I don't mean socialising, I mean day dreaming or sketching because who actually pays attention?). But even after two years of me ignoring her questions, she still makes the damn effort to ask me more and she doesn't stop. I sometimes think her goal in life is get me to answer her. Although recently I think she's given up on me. Last week she asked me a question, again, and I of course didn't answer, but I heard her say " oh put some effort in Gerard, I'm trying to help u here" and I remember how she sighed at me and then looked away disappointed. What was she thinking? When did she suddenly care?

Anyways, I finally get to the door labelled "to4" "mathematics" I slowly open the door, trying to be as not noticeable as possible; unfortunately that doesn't happen. Miss-god-knows-what turns around and sighs, causing the whole class to turn and face me. "What's the excuse today, Gerard?" Immediately I answer with the excuse that I prepared on the way to this boring class. "I missed the buss" of course it's not believable as everyone knows I don't dare step into those nasty old busses filled with little annoying social brats;hey at least it's an excuse.

She sighs at my reply, but doesn't seem to be too bothered, so with that, I slump down into a seat, I drop my stuff on the desk,cautiously, not wanting to receive any more attention. I open my sketch book to a half finished sketch of frank. I decided to sketch him because he's been the one I've been thinking about so much and plus, he's in most of my lessons, so it's hard not to notice him. I take a quick glance around the room, trying to be not very obvious, but I see no sight of frank. Disappointment and worry fill my mind and I can't help but to be a bit sad. I'm so sure that I saw him yesterday in my algebra class so I guess he's just not in today.

The lesson drags for another 50mins but I couldn't concentrate on any word that the teacher was saying (not that I ever listen to her) I was so occupied in drawing frank that I had almost finished my sketch. It wasn't my best but not my worst either. I closed my sketch book and gathered my folder and pen and began heading out, now for English..

I don't mind my English teacher, he lets us read for like 20mins and then we just copy a couple of sentences of the board whilst he speaks. Ok I'm sure we do more but I'm stating what I do usually. I also like this lesson because it's super easy to get away with drawing and not being caught. This teacher barely leaves his desk and is probably more occupied with fixing his computer than actually teaching us. Hey I'm not complaining though. Like I said, English isn't too bad and I manage to completely finish my sketch of frank, it's a bit hard to do when you have nothing to work with besides your memory, but I manage to get it done.  Then the awful deafening sound of the bell rings, indicating its break. I get my things and leave the classroom, heading straight to my locker. I walk through the crowded corridors when suddenly I come to a stop. Frank?! What on earth is he doing here and why did he just miss his last to lessons? He is busy talking to a teacher and luckily doesn't notice me from the corner, spying on him. As the teacher leaves I steal a quick glance of Frank and realise he looks quite upset. Tons and tons of questions spin in my head, causing me to zone out. It must've been a while because I know realised Frank was standing right in front of me, looking slightly impatient. "Snap out of it" he says as he clicks his fingers. That causes me to flinch a little and then blush. "You ok?" He interrupts my thoughts again. "Yeah...I'm fine thanks" I reply, slightly stuttering.

"Ok well I'll see you around " and with that, he's off into the packed corridor.

I'm still so confused, with more than a thousand thoughts going through my head right now. I want to find out why he didn't show up to his first two lessons. I could ask him.. but like that's awkward and talking to people isn't easy. So I guess I will have to find out another way. I make my way to the canteen, still trying to figure out my curiosity. I grab a water bottle and begin heading out when suddenly, I bump into someone.

"Shittt... sorry" I mumble, slightly anxious of the reply
"All good" answers a person, with a too familiar voice.
Holy fucc... I just went into Frank.

I go slightly red as I begin to comprehend the situation, that's when I realise I don't have my sketchbook. The amount of personal shit that is in that goddamn sketchbook is actually unbelievable. Suddenly fear runs through my body like a sharp pain flowing through me; I look around on the floor when finally I find it...
I freeze. Holy fuck frank just saw my sketch of him, what if he finds it creepy?
"That's awesome dude! Ever thought of taking art as your profession?" Frank asks and when I look up I notice he is blushing.
Well I surely wasn't expecting that reply, but either ways I'm so awkward and shy that I quickly snatch my book and without taking another glance I run down the corridor.
This is when I knew I fucked up, I didn't even try speaking to him! Even if I wanted to I couldn't! I couldn't manage to even make a sound. I run until I feel like I'm miles away from frank, and then I come to stop and I turn around,checking if frank ran after me.
He didn't.
I'm relieved but also slightly disappointed. Surely if he cared he'd run after me...? but who said he even cares about me in the first place? He's just a guy I met a few weeks ago and we've spoke like twice. Of course he doesn't care. Why am I being so delusional?

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