"Thanks. Happy early birthday to you. Well I better go leave. My mom is working late tonight so I have to cook dinner", she said turning to go back through the thin line of trees that surround Wheels Pond.

        "Wait! Why did you leave your diary here?" I yelled after her.

        She walked back to the bank slowly as not to fall in the slick mud. "I left it here one day when I came here to write", she replied.

        "Oh well. Do you come here to write often?" I asked trying not to sound nervous.

        "I did before I lost my diary" she replied with a nervous smile.

        "Well I have coming here for years and how come I have never seen you?"

        "Maybe you weren't looking. But I really have to go. Maybe I'll see you later" she said with a warm smile.

        "Yeah later" I said as I watched her walk through the trees and disappear from sight. I immediately texted Tray

                                       Me :Dude, I just met Katie!

        After I sent the text, I noticed it was fifteen minutes until five o'clock. Crap, I thought, Dad is gonna kill me. I ran all the way to my house three miles away. By the time I got there I was pretty much covered in mud. Hope Veronica likes mud. I smiled to myself.

        Dad was on the front porch waiting for me. "Son we have been waiting on you. Why are you all covered in mud?" he asked angrily.

        "I fell in the mud at the pond" I said with my head down not daring to meat his angry glare.

        "I see. Go clean up. We'll wait on you" he said.

        "Yes sir" I replied as I headed up the grand stair case tracking mud the whole way up. I said "sorry" to the maid as I passed her in the hallway. As soon as I got in my room I checked my messages.

There was one from Tray.


I sighed and sent him my answer.

                              me:You know the girl who wrote the diary!

        I put on my blue striped dress shirt and kakis. I headed back down stairs to see my mom waiting for me.

        "Shane, I need to do your hair and try to get some of that mud out" she said as she steered me toward the bathroom. She put my head in the sink and put a towel on my shoulders so my dress shirt wouldn't get wet. "What did you do? You have so much mud in your hair!" she said to me in a disappointed voice.

        "I don't know, Mom. I just fell when I was at the pond" I said innocently.

        "But you knew Veronica and her family was coming so you should have been more careful. This relationship between you and Veronica is all that's keeping us from being bankrupt so you are just going to have to stop whining and do what is right for the family", she snapped, "your hair is presentable. Dry it off." She left the room.

        I rubbed my hair until it was dry. Then I checked my messages.

I had another one from Tray.

Tray:Dude! What happened???

I didn't have a chance to answer him because my sister, Cynthia, came in looking annoyed. "We are waiting for you, Princess. Oh and Dad said you can't have your phone during dinner so give it" she demanded.

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