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I was sitting in my bed when I realized- What the fuck am I gonna do this summer? There's an indoor pool that's always empty. I can invite some friends maybe? Woah I have no idea what I'm gonna do when the parties passed. I pulled out my phone and went on to the notes app and put down as many ideas as could think of.

Berry picking
Do photoshoot
Cook for someone
Get a job
Learn an instrument

My ideas were pretty great. I rolled over in my bed after connecting my phone to the charger and I fell asleep. today went really well and I'm thankful for that. 


she doesn't even know me. She's going to totally freak out when she realizes it's me. She's going to hate me and tell everyone I'm a creep. I just wish things were so much easier and I wish I just walked up to her on the last day of school and introduced myself. Now she's going to think I was stalking her.

I finished my food and brushed my teeth. then I threw my shirt off and on the ground and got into my bed. I had a hard time falling asleep but I think I convinced myself I'd just tell her. if I let this go on any longer she definitely will be creeped out. so it's settled. I just have to get myself to do it.

shorter chapter

edited: 2021-04-23

One Week// Mace CoronelWhere stories live. Discover now