Chichi X Male Reader

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Third Person POV

"CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!" A young man's voice boomed, as he was seemingly running away from somebody.

And, surprisingly, it looked he was running away for dear life! Fear was etched into his face.

Why was that exactly?

Well, he IS running away for his dear life. And he IS running away from somebody!

"Get back here, (Y/N) (L/N)! You're not getting away from me, not a chance!" An enraged voice called, dark aura emitting from it.

Oh, did I not mention that this guy is you? Whoops, my bad!

You, (Y/N), looked behind to see if he had ran enough to be at a safe distance, praying that she was far behind.

Your eyes almost bulged out from your sockets from what you saw.

It was a female, but a very ticked off female. No, check that. A very LIVID female was behind you. It seems that she was so pissed, her very rage covered her form in dark aura, only showing two glowing red eyes.

And they were piercing through your very soul.

And another thing, she was NOT very far. As a matter of fact, it only seemed that she was catching up with you.

Aaaand did I not mention that she's your wife? Gosh, silly me!

"Wha-How are you keeping up with me?! I'm LITERALLY going max speed!" You questioned, bewildered by her astounding speed.

Oh (Y/N). Nothing is impossible for a woman when you've made her go into a blinding rage.

"C-C'mon, Chichi! Let's talk about this! Me and you..we're tight, right?" You asked, trying to save yourself from the tremendous wrath that would rain upon you.

"Of course we're tight, even more than that!" Your 'loving wife' responded sweetly.

However, her voice switched into a tone that held nothing but malice and intimidation.

"But that doesn't mean I can't be absolutely furious at you!" She shouted from aback.

"Ohhh geez!" You wheezed.

"How dare you-" She stopped herself in mid-sentence as you foolishly turned out, having an opportunity to finally get at you.

She was now in range, targeting a fist at your face at your face, only for you to dodge, avoiding the impact.

"Forget! *punch* Our! kick* Damn! *elbow* Anniversary!" The maiden fumed while throwing her dangerous blows.

"I! *dodge* Didn't *dodge* Forget *duck* Damn, that was close one—But I didn't forget anything!" You retorted, evading her attacks.

~30 minutes later~

"AHHHH!" You screamed in sheer terror.

Somehow, you ended up at the baseball park with Chichi while in her frantic chase.

She was wacking baseballs at you with a metal bat. You hoped to God that she wouldn't use THAT on you instead.

Sure, weapons like that really wouldn't even leave a scratch on you. But in this case, when they're being used by a woman like Chichi, your heart would drop just by her even saying that she would use it on you.

Every time, she would miss. But it would always be ominously close. You had just dodged the last one she had just hit on you.

You smirked in triumph as an obnoxiously victorious expression made itself comfortable on your face.

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