Episode 10

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The Children

Stannis Baratheon: You're the "King Beyond the Wall"? Do you know who I am?

Mance Rayder: Never had the pleasure.

Davos Seaworth: This is Stannis Baratheon, the one true King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Mance Rayder: We're not in the Seven Kingdoms, and you're not dressed for this weather.

Stannis Baratheon: ... It is customary to kneel when surrendering to a King.

Mance Rayder: We do not kneel.

Stannis Baratheon: I'll have thousands of your men in chains by nightfall. I have nothing to feed them and nowhere to put them. I'm not here to slaughter beaten dogs. Their fate depends on their King.

Mance Rayder: All the same, we do not kneel.

Stannis Baratheon: Take these men away.

Davos Seaworth: (to Jon) What's a man of the Night's Watch doing in a Wildling camp?

Jon Snow: I was sent to discuss terms with the King Beyond the Wall.

Davos Seaworth: You're speaking to the one true King, boy. You will address him as "Your Grace".

Jon Snow: I know he's the King. My father died for him. My name is Jon Snow, Your Grace. I'm Ned Stark's son.

Stannis Baratheon: Your father was an honorable man.

Jon Snow: He was, Your Grace.

Stannis Baratheon: What do you think he'd have done with him?

Jon Snow: I was this man's prisoner, once. He could've tortured me, he could've killed me... but instead he spared my life. I think my father would've taken him prisoner and listened to what he had to say.

Stannis Baratheon: Very well, then. (to Davos) Take him prisoner.

Jon Snow: Your Grace? If my father had seen the things that I've seen, he's also tell you to burn the dead before nightfall - all of them.

Tywin Lannister: We've been over this. The matter's closed.

Cersei Lannister: I'm opening it again.

Tywin Lannister: You were betrothed to Loras Tyrell. You are still betrothed to Loras Tyrell and you will marry Loras Tyrell, as soon as Tommen marries Margaery.

Cersei Lannister: I will not.

Tywin Lannister: Jaime cannot marry, or inherit lands. Tyrion's sentence will be carried out tomorrow. You have, on several occasions, made great claims about your commitment to this family's future. Your role in that future is now more viral than it ever was-

Cersei Lannister: I don't care. I will stay in King's Landing where I belong, with my son the King.

Tywin Lannister: When you were nine years old, I was called away to the Capitol, I decided to take your brother with me, and not you. You insisted that you would not be left at Casterly Rock under any circumstances, and if you recall...

Cersei Lannister: I'm not interested in hearing another of your smug stories about the time you won. This isn't going to be one of those times.

Tywin Lannister: Do you think you'll be the first person dragged into a sept to be married against her will?

Cersei Lannister: When you marched into the Trone Room to tell me we'd won the Battle of Blackwater... Do you remember? I was sitting on the Iron Throne with Tommen. I was about to give him essence of nightshade, that's how far I was willing to go when I thought someone waful had come to take my son away. Someone awful is coming to take him away.

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