Episode 8

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The Mountain and the Viper

Anya Waynwood: You have nothing to fear from us or him. Lord Baelish here is your uncle? Your name is Alayne? Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if Lord Baelish left the room.

Petyr Baelish: My lady.

Anya Waynwood: I wasn't asking you.

Sansa Stark: He can stay.

Yohn Royce: Speak up, girl, you're not a damn kitchen mouse. Tell us what you saw.

Sansa Stark: I'm sorry, Lord Baelish. I have to tell the truth. I'll tell you everything.

Anya Waynwood: Please, Alayne, leave nothing out.

Sansa Stark: My name is not Alayne. It's Sansa Stark, eldest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark. Lord Royce, we met when you came to Winterfell. You were escorting your son Ser Waymar to the Wall.

Yohn Royce: Sansa Stark? (To Petyr) You tell lies right to my face, you little worm?

Sansa Stark: Lord Baelish has told many lies. All to protect me. Since my father was executed, I have been a hostage in King's Landing. A plaything for Joffrey to torture or Queen Cersei to torment. They beat me, they humiliated me, they married me to the Imp. I had no friends in King's Landing... except one. He saved me. Smuggled me away when he had the chance. He knew I'd be safe here in the Eyrie with my own blood, my Aunt Lysa. The Lannisters have friends everywhere. Even the Vale. He made me swear not to tell anyone my true name.

Vance Corbray: Your secret is safe with us, my lady.

Yohn Royce: Your father grew up right here in these halls. We hunted together many times. He was a fine man.

Anya Waynwood: Tell us what happened to your aunt, Sansa.

Sansa Stark: You knew her well, my lords, my lady. You knew she was a troubled woman. She always loved Lord Baelish. She told me herself. From the moment he arrived at the gates of Riverrun, a boy of eight carrying everything he owned in a little sack. She confessed to me she never loved Lord Arryn. She did as her father commanded, as so many of us have. When the gods finally allowed her to be with Lord Baelish, she was so happy. For a time. My aunt was a jealous lady. She was terrified that Lord Baelish didn't love her anymore. That he would abandon her for a younger woman. And then... one day she saw him kiss me.

Yohn Royce: Lady Sansa.

Sansa Stark: It was a peck on the cheek, Lord Royce, nothing more. Lord Baelish is my uncle now, in truth, by marriage. He's always been so kind to me. I was so happy to be here, to be free. All because of him. But my aunt turned on me. She cursed me. Called me a whore. Promised to throw me through the Moon Door. When Lord Baelish tried to calm her, she struck him. She said she didn't want to live anymore. She stood on the edge of that Moon Door. He tried to reason with her. Promised her she was the only one he had ever loved, but she stepped through those doors and she was... 

Anya Waynwood: Shh. Shh, it's not your fault, sweet girl. It's not your fault.

Daenerys Targaryen: Why did the Usurper pardon you?

Jorah Mormont: If we could speak alone...

Daenerys Targaryen: No. Speak to me here. Explain it to me.

Jorah Mormont: Who do you think sent this to Meereen? Who profits? This is the work of Tywin Lannister. He wants to divide us. If we're fighting each other, we're not fighting him.

Daenerys Targaryen: The pardon was signed the year we met. Why were you pardoned? Unless you're saying this document was forged?

Jorah Mormont: It is not forged.

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