Josette put Roberts breakfast on his desk after clearing all the papers on it, putting them aside with care making sure not to ruin anything. She got his uniform and  placed it all together on a chair with his union hat on top.

"Josette?" Robert mumbled in his morning voice, his morning voice was deeper than his regular one, which was honestly hot.

"What are you doing in here." He sat up rubbing his eyes.

"I got everything ready for you, and I also brought you breakfast." Josette sat beside Robert.

"Thank you Ms. Mikaelson." He cleared his throat and got out of bed.

"Would you like anything else Colonel?"
She stood up quickly. "I would really be happy to do anything, anything at all."

"Can you please see yourself out Ms. Mikaelson." Robert said not even looking at her.

"A-Are you sure be-"

She was cut off "That's a order."

Josette smile faded. "Your clothing is ready by the chair." She said and walked out of the tent rolling her eyes.

She now regretted doing all those things for him, he just didn't appreciate it. She thought Robert was different, but guessed he was just like the rest.

Robert facepalmed. "'s not like I want to be rude to her. Why is it so difficult?" Robert whispered to himself.

As all the other men got ready for a new day Robert ate his breakfast in his warm tent.

The soldiers reported inside the abandoned factory for breakfast, smiles appeared on their faces. The food looked...liquidy? It was like goop. It was brown and and had a side of what it looked like to be mashed potatoes.

The factory was huge, but old. Some of the walls were cracked and looked like they would give out in any second.

Robert walked towards Josette who had her back turned facing the men that were all eating breakfast.

"So how is everything looking Sergeant?" Robert ask, he was expecting her to jump but not a flinch.

"Everything is going just find Colonel." She responded with little emotion.

This is my fault, Robert thought. She hates me, well I gave her a reason too.

Josette left as Robert was lost in thought to go talk to Cabot.

"Ah! Well look who it is. Was breakfast okay?" Cabot asked with a smile.

Josette didn't want to be rude but it wasn't the best. "Well food is food." Josette laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

Cabot laughed along with her "indeed it is."

The laughter stop when Robert call Cabot. "Excuse me Josette."

Cabot walked to Robert giving him salute.

"Major Cabot Forbes, I will not permit that kind of fraternization."

A confused look soon took over Cabot's face.

"But sir it's only Josette."

Robert gave him a look. The look said
'Don't argue with me.'

"Why your right of course." Cabot said looking down.

He couldn't believe himself. Robert used his power as Colonel on Cabot to make him stop talking to the girl he liked. This was  an all time low for him, and he hated himself for this.

As the long November day went on the whole camp was waiting for the arrival of the drill Sergeant, but he never came. He would surly come tomorrow.

These men were in need of the training, they each all had the heart but not the strength nor knowledge to fight.

As the sun went down it started to rain, the men got comfortable including Josette.

She walked outside after changing to her night gown instantly getting wet from the rain that was pouring down.

No one seemed to be outside, everyone in their warm tent, hiding away from the Boston cold.

Josette walked to a place where there were a small amount of trees, it was still within the camp however.

She climbed one of the trees sitting on a long branch removing her wet curls away from her face.

The girl sang to herself for a short while, looking up at the dark sky. She wasn't focused on her surroundings, she should have been.

"You sing very beautifully." Said a voice that sounded like Roberts.

Josette got startled letting out a screech. She fell off of the branch and into a bush. She let out a cough then a small laugh.

Robert rushed over helping her up. "Are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

Josette laughed "no, I'm fine, thanks."

Josettes laughing stop as she looked up to see Robert. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I just wanted to...see how you are doing."

"Why do you care?"

Robert looked down and sighed. "I also wanted to talk."

Josette scoffed crossing her arms. "What's there to talk about?"

Robert looked down at Josette, he wasn't exactly dressed properly he had a plain white shirt on with brown pants, but they were now wet because of the rain.

"I'm sorry. For the way I have been treating you. You don't deserve to be treated like that, you deserve everything but that."

Josette was surprised she looked at him and smiled. "Apology accepted."

Robert and Josette walked around side my side in the rain.

"You mom was telling me that one time at a dinner party you dressed yourself as a woman to trick your friends." Josette said with a laugh.

Robert was instantly blushing, he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, they would hit on me constantly."
He replied playfully bragging, The man laughed along.

"Well I bet you would make a beautiful woman." Josette said but then cringed.

Robert looked at her confused

"Oh um I didn't mean it like that...I umm...I mean that you are a very handsome man..." Josette turned red.

Robert smiled. "Well your a very beautiful woman...actually the most beautiful I've ever seen." Robert paused as he thought that he had said to much. They both walked back to the trees looking up at the moon.

Robert had been sick and tired of hiding his feelings, what he was about to do scared him to death more than anything.



"I...I have been thinking about this for a while now, it's actually all I've been thinking about..." Robert said nervously.

"What is it?" Josette asked.

Robert gently pushed her back into a tree. He took a moment to look at her, their faces centimeters apart. He closed the space between them connecting their lips.

Josette was taken by surprise but soon kissed back.

Robert wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck.

He had been waiting for this ever since they met, he needed this. He needed her.

Their lips moved in sync making every kiss passionate.

There was no doubt in Roberts mind that he was in love with her.

Word count: 1738

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