Aftermath I/Perception

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The last twenty four hours had been stuffed full of surprises. I hadn't been able to finish my favorite movie two separate times in one night. First when I fell asleep, and second when I finally broke Ethan down. It sounds more inappropriate than it was. We kissed a little... a lot. I admitted my virgin status in passing and, being the respectful devil he was, Ethan put his foot down about sex. Seriously. What kind of 17 year old boy had that much self control? I fell asleep in his arms, and that was that. I wanted to stay like that. You know, what goes up must come down. I wished to stop time. I wished to stop the fall. That was never an option though, so I enjoyed it while it lasted. Or I tried.

It was over too soon. My phone was going crazy. The Law and Order theme music played, over and over and over. Melanie. It was my ringtone for her. My eyes fluttered open lazily and I reached for my phone. It was 9 a.m.- 5 missed calls, 4 voicemails, and 18 texts...all from Melanie. I ignored her call, bringing the tally up to 6. Hello reality. Ethan wasn't next to me, but I was still in his bed... wearing his shirt. This didn't look good. The music started again. It had never been possible for me to ignore her for long. I had managed to repress my anxieties about what Melanie's reaction to my sudden deviancy would be. What it would mean for our friendship. Last night had been magical, and I'd ignored the possibility of consequences. Here they came. I accepted the call and put my phone up to my ear. I said nothing.

"Explain." Melanie demanded. "Actually first- are you okay?"

"Hey. I'm fine." I said awkwardly. I paused. "Safe and comfortable."

"Rita, what the fuck is going on? I need details. Are you at home? I'm coming over." I was relieved that she still cared about me even after witnessing the scene at Ryan's  party. Relief immediately followed by panic. No. No home visits. I needed more time.

"I'm not at home." I stuttered. Melanie became apprehensive.

"Rita... where are you?" I was silent. Fuck I did not want to tell her. "My head is in worst case scenario city right now, Rita."  I took a deep breath and sighed out.

"That's actually a really funny story." I started.

"I can feel avoidance coming on. I'm not afraid to track your phone." She threatened. I forgot she could do that. "10. 9. 8. 7," she started. Oh fuck. "6. 5. 4. 3," Geronimo.

"I'm at Ethan Greene's house." I blurted out as fast as I could. It was like ripping off a bandaid. "In his bed to be specific." Why the fuck did I say that? My instinct was to blame my stubborn but fading high. There was silence from Melanie. An oxymoron if I'd ever heard one. This was unsettling. "Hello?"

"You're joking right?" She asked. She knew I wasn't joking, but she felt desperate enough to ask. I knew I had to tell the whole truth- it was the only chance I had of not losing my best friend. Our friendship was deeper than simply saving face... I hoped.

"Logan and Leon are having sex. That's why Evan needed to talk to me." There was a pause. "They had proof." She wasn't saying anything. "I freaked out when they told me, and Ethan invited me to blaze with them and their friends."

"And you actually went?" She asked, agitated. "And you smoked weed?? Rita, this isn't you." Melanie was concerned, and that made me hopeful.

"Yeah I did." I sighed. "And then my phone died so Ethan drove me to the party... fuck I need to pick up my car from the school...sorry... but then Ryan caused a scene and well you saw the aftermath." I only hoped her sympathy and our history would outweigh her superficial desire for status. We were always there for each other, but this was dangerous and uncharted territory.

"Why did he kiss you Rita? In front of everyone?" She asked. A good question indeed. I remembered hearing a justification, but I'd been too high to store the specifics.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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