chapter 1

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I'm lakelynn, hello, hi, what's up so i'm 12 and i'm in 7th grade, at a small school in ohio.

this whole mess started with little white lies, always growing up i lied and lied never thinking it effected anything cause i watched my older sister meagan do it all the time. 
I never got much attention at home it was always what are meagan and andrew doing and how are they doing, so i seeked attention from those at school and started creating HUGE lies, then it caught up to me, so let's start with one of the first large lies i told.
i was with a group of friends at a spring formal dance and i wasn't feeling good and for some unknown reason i came up with this thing that i had lung cancer and i started telling the whole school this, idk why but i did and i really made it seem true then one girl that knew my family well texted my dad and asked how my cancer was and stuff and then my dad obviously said "what are you talking about she doesn't have cancer" and she then told the entire school i was lying and people just forgot about it.

thanks for reading :) let's see how this goes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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