~ s e v e n ~

866 22 18

(im writing on my Chromebook, so idrk how to like,,,,, do this? it doesn't show the little ummm spacey thingies-- ok bye)

Your P.O.V

"Come in, M'lady..." Mason said and smiled. I giggled and opened his door and saw...

A huge pillow fort!

It was made out of his mattress, a bunch of blankets, some poles to hold up the fort (and for mason to strip on LMAO), and, of course, pillows. It was pretty epic. I laughed and crawled into the entrance. The inside was amazing! Strings of lights lined the outline of the ceiling, his t.v was set up, there was some teddy bears, including the one that has like, five std's, pillows and blankets for us to lay on, chips, soda, some weed... It was perfect.

I laid my head on the pillow, and Mason crawled in.

"So...?" He said. I looked at him. "Do you like it?"

"No," I said. He looked a little sad. "I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!" I tackled him and started to kiss his face a bunch. He was laughing. Soon, the kisses turned into a heated make-out session. Mason's hand's were all over me, groping my breasts. His kisses started to trail down my neck. he sat up and pulled me onto his lap, still kissing me. He kissed me on the lips again, then pulled away and looked at me.

"What?" I asked and giggled.

"You're just so beautiful," He smiled.

I blushed and pushed him a bit. "Oh, shut up, Macey!" I went back over to the little bed area and laid down. 

"What do you wanna watch?" Mason asked, crawling next to me. He turned on the t.v, and then came and laid next to me. He hugged me and pulled me close. 

"I don't know.. chose anything!" I laughed.

"Okayyy!" He said. After a while, he chose a movie. It was a horror movie. 

aw shit, here we go again.


ok, so i'm gonna put this to a vote

1) (Y/N) gets scared and holds onto mason, and other cute shit,


2) (Y/N)'s fearless and Mason gets scared. vice versa.

please let me know in the comments :)

byee bb! have a wonderful day!

~ Zuckles x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now