Up All Night

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Luffy's POV

It was late at night, and Luffy finally decided to get off Sunny's head and get some sleep.  Everyone else had gone to their respective rooms (Carrot had taken Robin's vacant room), and Luffy passed each of their closed doors as he made his way to his own.  However, Nami's door, directly across from his, was open and there was a light coming from the room.  He peered his head in to see Nami in her undergarments, sitting on her bed, still looking at maps.  "You should get some sleep, Nami," Luffy yawned while leaning against her doorway.

Nami looked up from her work and jumped, "L-Luffy!"

She tried to cover some of her body with her bed sheets and blushed hard, "What are you doing?  Get out of my room!"

She's sure been blushing a lot recently, he thought.  She was even blushing when Sanji's sister got that poison out of me.

Luffy just snickered, "Sorry if I scared you, but why are you covering up?  Don't you usually dress like that?"

Nami blinked, probably realizing that he had a point.  There was an awkward silence, and Luffy smiled, "Well, I'll leave now.  Sorry."

Nami's POV

Just as Luffy was about to go, Nami couldn't help but blurt out, "Wait!"

Luffy turned back around and raised his brows.  Nami pushed the bed sheets off her and sighed, "I'm sorry for snapping at you like that.  You just caught me by surprise."

Luffy put his hand behind his head, "Yeah, I guess I really did!  You're face was so red, too."

Her heart skipped a beat at the mention of her blushing, and she was starting to get hot.  What am I supposed to say to that?  Does someone like Luffy even know what love is?  Let alone anything sexual?

"Luffy ..." Nami got off her bed, walked over to him,  and gazed into his jet black eyes.  "Can you explain how you feel towards meat?"

Luffy thought for a moment, "Well, I really like how it tastes.  It's probably my favorite thing in the world!"

"Would you say that you love it?"  Nami asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Luffy shrugged.  "Why are you asking, Nami?

Without thinking, she took one of his hands in her own, "Well, I'm asking because ... I think ... I think I'm starting to feel that way towards you, Luffy."

There was slight pause, and Luffy squinted his eyes and pulled his hand away slowly, "Uh, that's ... kinda weird, Nami."

Nami blinked, "Wh-what?"

Luffy stuck his tongue out, "Are you saying you would want to eat me?  I don't think I would taste very good ..."

Nami groaned and lowered her head.  I should've known even that simple analogy wouldn't have worked.  Now what?

"No, Luffy," she shook her head, "that's not what I meant at all!  What I'm trying to say is that I think I'm starting to lo-"

Nami let out a gasp as Luffy embraced her tightly.  She was too shocked to even move, and Luffy exhaled, "It's okay, Nami.  You don't have to explain it to me.  I like you and your weirdness just the way it is.  You're my best friend, after all."

She couldn't even think straight as Luffy continued to hold her a for a few more seconds.  When he let her go, a tear slid down her cheek.  She didn't know why she felt like crying, but she only let the one drop leave her eyes, "Luffy ..."

He took off his straw hat and gently placed it on her head, "Good night, Nami."

With that, Luffy entered his own room and closed the door.

Nami stood there motionless for another minute before closing her door as well.  She took off the straw hat and looked at it in her hands.

Luffy's POV

Luffy laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling, I wonder why Nami is acting so weird.  She started talking about meat all of a sudden and now I'm hungry again!

Clueless:  A Luffy x Nami StoryWhere stories live. Discover now