"Yeah...I should have told you..." (Y/N) said, completely ignoring the question. "I've been trying to explain myself all day but you wouldn't listen." Looking at his hand I could see him clenching it as it glowed. "So I guess I'm gonna have to take some advice from what someone told me today." He then glared at both of us, causing me to back up a bit afraid. Afraid not because of the glare, but his eyes. They weren't his normal (E/C) eyes, but red...blood red. Eyes that haven't seen since we were attacked.


"(Y/N)...just...go..." I let out as the man raised his bladed hand and thrusting it towards me. I closed my eyes, too afraid to look.

"I said STOP!!!" I heard (Y/N) yell as a loud crash was made at the wall next to me. I opened my eyes to see the man pressed against the wall with a giant glowing blue arm, pinning him where he stood. I followed the arm in shock to see (Y/N), madder than I've ever seen him. His eyes glowing a bright red, his (H/C) hair slightly floating and his right arm, completely changed into something demonic. With a shout of anger he threw the man out into the streets just as a few pro heroes arrived.

Looking at (Y/N), he was panting heavily as he held his new arm and fell to his knees. His eyes returning to normal and his hair no longer flowing. I immediately went over to him, still in pain from the attacker, and hugged him. "Thank you..." I whispered as I felt him return the hug.

Present Time

Seeing those eyes in a state of anger was something I never liked seeing but knew when he was getting serious.

"Uh...Jiro...what's he doing..." Kaminari asked as he began backing away.

"If you won't listen to what I have to say...then I guess I have to force you to listen!" He shouted as he reeled back his fist. "By being the villain!" He punched forward as his phantom fist came rushing at us. I immediately dragged Kaminari into a nearby room as the fist punched the wall that was behind where we once stood.

"What the hell is he doing Jiro?!" Kaminari asked again.

"I'll explain later just go!" I said as I pushed him through another door and into another room as (Y/N) busted through the wall. We kept going into room after room and a couple of staircases to avoid (Y/N). It wasn't until I told Kaminari to split up that we were able to lose him.

I leaned against a wall, panting as I wiped the sweat off my face.

"Do you mind telling me why you two are on bad terms right now?" I heard Kaminari say into the ear piece All Might gave us. "He just turned psychotic and is now playing predator, what happened?"

I sighed as I explained to him what happened yesterday. How (Y/N) disappeared, him not answering any of my calls, making me and his mother worried sick and when we asked why he left he gave us no answer.

It was then Kaminari went silent after all that. ".....did...he start losing it after the 50 meter dash?" Very specific.

"Yeah why..."

I then heard Kaminari groan as I heard him slap himself in the face. "I think I may have started all this..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I think I brought up a touchy subject after our race." He explained. "I asked about his quirk and he said he didn't really know. Only person did and apparently he's not around."

".....His father..." I said, feeling extremely guilty. "He hasn't talked about him in years...he never really got to know him..." I then felt my eyes widen in realisation. "And I just completely blew it off...I should've listened."

"Yeah...you should have..." I head from around the corner. I backed away, knowing it was (Y/N)'s voice. "And you would be know had you juSt LeT mE sPeAk..."

He then came around the corner, eyes still glowing red and began walking to me, causing me to back away.

"AnD nOw...I'vE gOt To bE tHe ViLlAiN jUsT tO gEt My PoInT aCrOsS!" He said as I backed against a wall, scared as to what (Y/N) was going to do to me. He then put both hands against the wall and beside my head as he glares at me. "AnD yOu KnOw WhAt I tHiNk?" I closed my eyes, afraid to look at him or even answer him. "I think I've gone too far..." He said calmly.

Reopening my eyes I looked into his to see them back to (E/C) instead of red.

"Making you hurt or mad is the last thing I ever want to do..." He said. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about yesterday...but I couldn't bring myself to just open up an old wound to you when we already opened one already." He said, referring to our nightmares. "I'm sorry..."

Before I could say anything, All Might made an announcement over the intercom. "The weapon has been captured, the Hero Team wins!" What? But how...

"Sorry I couldn't help." I heard Kaminari say into my ear. "I was trying to find you and help but I found the weapon instead. Hopefully he didn't get you or anything."

"Don't worry." I said to him as I looked at (Y/N) with a smile. "I'm all right." He returned the smile as I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't listen." I told him.

Returning the hug he whispered, "I know."

Flashback: (Y/N)'s POV

"Hey All Might, do you mind if I talk to you for a second?" I asked before I headed into the building as Kaminari and Kyoka went over their plan.

"Sure, what is it Young (L/N)?" All Might said, leaning closer to me.

"Do you think you could not interfere at all during this test?" I whispered. "There's something I need to take care of during this and it's going to involve a bit of a villainous tone."

"Hmm..." All Might hummed. "All right, I won't interfere but if I feel like you're taking it to far then I will stop it. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir." I said with a nod as I entered the building.

Present Time: All Might's POV

"You did well (L/N)." I thought as I watched over the match as we waited for the three to return. Whenever they weren't in his line of sight, his eyes would lose that glow and he'd have a look of guilt on his face as if he didn't want to this. "You're definitely more of a hero than you give yourself credit. And I'm glad I won't have to worry about any change of heart from you." I smiled even more as they left the building.

It feels good to write something to where I don't have to spend 3 to 4 hours watching one episode. Also wanted to get this out early, especially since it's 3:30 am where I'm at. Hope you guys enjoy it and send some feedback.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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