Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

"My ear is killing me from yesterday..." I thought as I walked to school with my hand over my ear. Turns out it wasn't Kyoka that called me after Aizawa found me on the roof, it was Kyoka AND my mother on the phone, both understandably pissed.

Getting home didn't make things any better with my mother, worried out of her mind of where her son was, and Kyoka, who was mad at me for disappearing and not answering her calls. I didn't say much other than it should until our session with Trish, my therapist, putting them a little at ease. Though Kyoka hasn't talked to me since. "Guess I deserved it." I said out loud.

"Deserved what?" Someone said as they walked up to me.

"Huh?" I looked to see a familiar looking blunette. "Oh Ruto, how's it going? I haven't seen you since the entrance exam."

"Doing pretty good." She said with a small smile. "Got into U.A., just barely I might add."

"Good to hear, what class?" I asked.

"Class 1-B actually. They had enough room for one more since 1-A got an extra student as well." Ruto explained. "Seems as though I'm getting by on a bit of luck."

"Well it's good to hear that you made it in. Not many people can say that."

"Yeah." She said with a small pause. "So uh...what was it you deserved?"

"Oh yeah...that..." I pondered, trying to think of what to say. "Let's just say that I made an old friend of mine mad at me. And as punishment, she hasn't spoken to me since yesterday. I've tried apologizing, but she wouldn't have it"

"Sorry to hear." Ruto said as we finally made it to the school. "The best advice I could give is to try and talk it out. If she won't listen then then force her to. If she's really an old friend then she'll understand."

"Maybe...I don't know...I'll try again in class or maybe after, who knows." I sighed.

"Well good luck with it." Ruto said as she went ahead of me. "Let me know how it goes when you get a chance."

"Will do Ruto." I called after her as she headed to class. "I hope she'll forgive me." I thought as I headed to 1-A myself.

Timeskip: Combat Class

"I AM HERE!" A shout came from our door. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might? Oh right, I forgot he was a teacher now. I was so busy trying to make it up to Kyoka all day it slipped my mind. Still hasn't a word to me yet...

Everyone was getting excited as the number one hero took up his place at the podium.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A. High! Think of it as 'Heroing 101'. Here you will be learning the basics of being a hero and what it means to fight in the name of good!" He said as he began striking various poses. "Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might then pulled out a card with 'Battle' written on it it.

"Wait, so that means..."

"Fight training!" Sparky finished my thought. Second day at U.A. and we already get a chance to have combat training.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is...LOOKING GOOD!" All Might shouted as he pointed to the wall. Slots of the wall began to jut out, revealing cases with numbers on them. "These were designed for you based on your Quirk Registration Forms and requests you sent in before school started."

"Our costumes, didn't think we'd get them this early." I thought as I began thinking back on the request I made.

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