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      My dearest love,

     I can not begin to tell u how I feel at this exact moment...first & foremost I hope u are well my lovely.

     I met with my uncle as planned...baby, I swear he's just as I remembered him, except a little older...can't believe it's been over twenty years...

    Baby, when I saw him & he saw me, it was like I was a kid all over again...baby, he started crying...he started crying...I did too...I wanted to hate his ass; I wanted to be angry at him for abandoning me, for treating me like a fucking bag of trash....but I cried bcuz I couldn't...I just couldn't even be mad anymore...I hugged his old ass...

    He talked & talked; babe he was so surprised to see how I've turnt out...said he remembers my eyes the most😢...made a joke about me cutting my hair😏...he even called me Dimi...we had drinks together; my treat of course...the bastard still cheap as ever...

    Much was said when I asked him why...why he felt he had to do that to me...why he just left me there...I asked him why he even bought me if he was only going to mistreat & abandon me...he couldn't answer me love😔...when I mentioned going back to Delos, he told me I'd be going back to nothing; it's a tourist attraction now, inhabited by only 14 people...14 people...he told me mostly everyone moved into Athens...that's where my flight will be landing...

    My love, sitting across from that man...my uncle...it was intense...I wanted to be mad but I thought about it; had he never abandoned me, Mother Dear wouldn't have been a part of my life, neither would u...so I won't have hatred in my heart any longer...I actually thanked him...thanked him for leaving me...for making me the man I am...no, not the sex deviant, but the man who doesn't mind the struggle💯 When I tell u that man broke down even more...

    All in all, it was good to finally see him again...he asked if I was married yet...how many kids😔...

    Baby, I know I made a child with someone else, someone selfish & cruel...& I was ultimately punished for that😔...I know I have no right...but when he asked me that...part of me died, thinking about the child I lost😔, yet part of me grew hopeful...I told him there was indeed a very special lady in my life, but no little ones yet...

    When we left each other, I'd like to think that it was on good terms....told me to keep in touch😏...my love, I just drove back home & cried...I cried...I mean, what am I doing? Why am I going back to the place where my own father gave up on me? What kind of father does that? That's why I so desperately want kids of my own, to be better than that💯

    I know we're new again; for this I kiss ur feet for giving me the chance...but I don't know how much longer I will be able to hold off from coming inside of u...u know I want u, want kids with u...I would never force u to do anything...but I want to give u a child...I want u to be the mother of my children...maybe losing a baby to abortion has made me sensitive but I now see that it wasn't meant to be; me & her definitely weren't💯...Goddess knew all along it was u I needed...I won't keep pressing the matter but I do plan on seeing u tomorrow night...if u keep putting it on me like u have...dzamn😏...how can I not want to impregnate u? I love u...I'm not gonna do it purposely...u don't know how hard it was not to bust inside of u...

     I can't sleep...I want to see u again...maybe we can do our lil astral thang again😏hint hint😊...I want to see u right now...I have something I wanna give u😏😊😂🙊...seriously, I will leave a candle burning to light the way my love...I need u tonight...I need the solace only ur arms can give...I think about kissing those lips of urs all the time...I see ur face thru the flames & it makes me smile...gives me hope...I can not wait to be in ur arms again...I'm so riled up right now😈, only ur sweet sugar will do💯

    After I publish this, I will prepare...I want to see u...please come to me again...I can not wait until tomorrow; that's too long...I need to taste u right now...I need to be inside of u right now...I don't care how late it may be...please come as soon as u can...

    I patiently await the day when we can be together all of the time♥, when I can wrap my arms around u again, sleep in the same bed again...(& not have to leave)...the things I plan on doing then👅💯😈

    I can't take it...I'm about to go light the candles in my altar room...bring that astral ass on here😏😊...

               Undeniably yours,


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