Kakashi kept silent and on guard as he concluded that if the man knew about Suki's real name, then he must be in league with the people who took her.

Just as he was about to ask, the man interrupted him. "Yes, Kakashi of the Sharingan eye. Like you've probably already figured out, I am a trusted personal informant for Hiroshi, the man who took your teammate" Ino wanted to shout out about killing the man at this point, however stopped when she caught his cold and brutal eyes.

"In reality though, I am with him to find his weak point and kill him. But now that your little friend has been taken, there is only a matter of time before he turns back into his real form and kills us all" He was exaggerating the matter, but he had the feeling that by doing so, it would be easier to coax them into helping. Although, they would probably help even if he didnt tell them that; they cared to much for their missing teammate not to.

"Does that mean you know where they've taken Suki?" Lee was the one to ask this, which surprised the group as he was uncharacteristically serious, not even mentioning the word 'youth' once.

"Smart boy" the mysterious man let out a long series of crazy like laughs before turning his icy blue eyes on each and every one of them; some of the genin felt shivers travel down their spine. Before, the hood to his cloak had casted an ominous shadow over his forehead and just under his eyes. However, now that the hood had moved backwards, they could feel his gaze as if he could see their deepest darkest secrets-Into their souls.

"But that's not all I know. I know all the secret passages as well as where they are holding your precious teammate specifically" Kakashi, hearing this, thought that it was all too good to be true. Sure, he could be trying to kill his 'leader' and just need more help to do so. But, it could also be a trap-they go in the enemies territory and they will end up losing the battle. Now... he had to chose what to do. He could either go straight in and take Suki back without any problems-the mysterious man's plan was indeed real, or he could kill the man and find his own way towards their destination... which would waste precious time.

Heaving a sigh, the silver, gravity defying haired man gave a nod to his captive. "Fine, lead us there. But, if I fine out that your leading us all into a trap... I'll kill you" Kakashi's voice was scarily deep at the end as he spoke of his threat, which the mysterious man knew he would bring to light if he were to betray them. Giving a nod of his head, making sure it wasn't rough enough to make his hood fall down, to show his understanding - he spoke in an almost soft voice, as if trying to coax a small child to sleep

"Don't worry about it. There's no point in betraying you when we both have the same goals in the end. You don't have to trust me, but at least have a little bit of faith that I can bring you to your destination without harm" With another single glance back over to his teammates, kakashi gave Shino the gesture to tell his bugs to let go of their captured man. As soon as the man was let go, he decided it was about time that he should introduce himself.

"Nice of you to finally let me go. Oh and by the way, before I forget... The names Toshi. Hope we can get along for the short amout of time that were together"

"Likewise, just don't make me regret my decision" Was Kakashi's harshly pointed reply, a subtle threat of 'You make me regret my decision... and your dead'

Standing mostly in a semi-circle around the now named, previously mysterious man, Toshi as said man began explaining the situation, as well as the plan, the others listened intently. "Alright, this is what we've gotta do" Picking out a map that was concealed inside a hidden compartment inside his long hooded cloak, Toshi lay it on the ground and crouched down along with the others so that they could observe where their kidnapped teammate has been taken to.

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