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I know that so far we haven't had much character input but the only reason for that is because i wanted to try out Avengers: Assemble first then when 2023 Tony shows up thats when Rowan's character starts to shine :D. I'm sorry if i haven't done the best job of describing or imputing the details about any character or the setting. And for that I would like to apologize :(

But worry not, the next chapter will be more about Marshall :)))
CLARIFICATION: so I know that in Endgame when Tony, Steve, Scott and Bruce go back to 2012 get the stone and come back to their timeline, Thanos finds out. But in my case I'm delaying Thanos's arrival for a couple of months even a whole year, for the sake of my story. If you don't understand ill try my best to explain it in the upcoming plot

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