2. Cal

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I'm not sure if Mare's temper was a quality or a flaw. We've been happy, in love even. But like always, Maven comes in between us. She doesn't even seem to understand all the pain she has been through and how strong she's been through all of it. After everything she is still the rock of the whole Scarlet Guard. 

After the war she and I decided to remain in the Scarlet Guard, train the new blooded recruits and nurture a broken Norta. Recently we have moved to a facility in the hills of Norta, close to the Samos Manor. We call it Base Hills, stupid I know. The steel doors finalize the outside as they shut behind me, sending a burst of air in my direction. The fluorescent lights spring into action, casting a sickly glow on the people rushing in every direction.

"Hey Cal" I hear from a voice from behind me, I turn to see a striking blonde. 

"General Farley, how is it going?" Farley seemed distracted, perhaps trying to figure out why I'm upset. She can always read me like an open book. She and Mare are the same that way. 

"Great. Operations to contain Norta's... problems are already underway. Strike teams should be rounding up remaining squadrons of the enemy as we speak." She says harshly. No enthuasium, no happiness, just relief. Finally, this war can be over. 

"That's great" I mumble, matching her stoic tone. I give a short nod and step to the side as to walk away.

"Cal," she mutters as she places a callused hand on my shoulder. She speaks softly, "There is no sign of your brother. We have search teams, but we don't believe that he is alive, nor dead." She smiles reassuringly, "I want you to know however this comes out that he is the enemy and there are precautions to take. Especially with all the people, even in this facility, that he has scarred."

I look into her eyes, imagining Mare when someone mentioned silent stone or grabbed her wrists. The brand, burned into her skin that she traces every time someone mentions her time as my brother's prisoner. The look in her eyes when she got back from Maven's grasp, I'll never forget. Everything she told us about that wretched place was pictured clear as day in my mind, and it was hard to overcome. As much as I don't want to admit Mare had been right earlier, I was scared, scared of seeing my brother now and remembering how we used to be brothers, how we used to be a family.

The shrill is not to be forgotten, the blinding red that flashed, it snapped me out of my thoughts and sent my adrenaline spiking as I raced to the Main Rooms, Farley only a step behind me.

I hadn't seen the siren systems, let's just say these were way, way louder than the ones at the old base, even the palaces weren't as confined and loud. I ran hard, people's shoes hitting the ground in a hurried rush. 

That's when I spotted it, or him. 

He was being towed in by two guards, not fighting, just smiling. Then I noticed his eyes, the eyes that could pierce a mind with a single stare. Elara's eyes, no Elara was dead. 

These were Maven's eyes.


They continue to drag him, pulling him into a plastic fireproof cell. He makes no attempt to escape, or use his abilities, nothing. It irks me. What does he have planned? He is smart enough to avoid the Scarlet Guard, so why did he come back? 

The alarm continues to blare, probably waiting until the perimeter had been checked for any of Maven's allies. People rush around, but my eyes never leave Maven's face. He glances at me, a wicked smirk drawn across his face. 

I knew something was wrong before Cameron, Kilhorn's girlfriend taps my shoulder. She glances at Maven, she's heard the stories, just like everyone else. "Cal, Mare collapsed outside. She's in the infirmary." 

My heart stops, terrible scenes play in my head. I was just with her, this is my fault. I walk quickly towards the infirmary, not bothering to give Maven a second look. 

Hope you enjoyed it! this is the second chapter that I've redone and wow did it need it! Please comment and vote! Not really my best work, I'm sorry they are so short. 

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