Chapter 8: Dark Elf Rishi

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After Rishi hung up on me, I ran into the long white tent with my wooden staff. The Chruch healers there were running along the rows of patients laying on stretchers with medicine, staffs, and trays medical tools. Subtle green glows of healing spells are cast every other second. Then one of the healers walks up to me. It was a guy my age wearing a lab coat over a suit. In this situation, he even dared to wear a posh marron suit underneath his lab coat with fine leather shoes. Heck, he even cast [Levitate] to prevent his shoes from touching the floor which reeked of blood. In this society, wearing fancy clothing as a Healer after a large scale invasion is considered rude since a Healer's job is to heal their patients with all respect to the patient. Most patients are commoners so they rather not have a noble wear a fancy suit since it represents their arrogance and makes the patient feel worse about their status. It is not illegal, it is just disrespectful to wear any sort of fancy attire when dealing with a patient.

"Your the Healer Archbishop said would be helping out?"  he asked not even looking at me in the eyes.

How rude and arrogant. I don't blame him, he's a Silver Rank Healer.

"Yes, the name is Andrew Halycon. A Green Rank healer." I forcefully bowed in respect.

"Pathetic," He snorted, "what qualifications do you have as a mere Green Rank?"

"I'm an internal injury healer so I can stop bleeding and infections," I replied.

Healers all have different specialties when it comes to healing. The basic healing spell will affect a person differently depending on the healer. Most healers specialize in physical injuries while some specialize in curses or internal injuries.

"Oh," his lips curled into a smirk, "that's rare. We only have two internal injury healers but they are in other tents. Well then, do you mind assisting them in by stopping the bleeding of everyone here?"

"Of course not," I replied with a hint of disgust.

What a rude guy. I sighed.

"Good," He nodded, "you have twenty minutes to stop the bleeding of the patients in Row 7."

"Yes, sir." I saluted and went straight to healing.

Wait. I thought. This would be a perfect time to level up my healing skill! Forget about that rude Healer, I'll stop the bleeding in every patient in this tent!

With the motivation to heal everyone and level up my skills, I went straight to work. Most of the civilians here had first degree burns while others had their organs crushed underneath buildings. Some had their bodies twisted in the opposite direction while others had minor abrasions. It even surprised me how some of these civilians survived being crushed under rubble.  It was a horrifying scene but I have gotten used to it over the years so it does not startle me. The stench of blood lingered in my nose and most of these civilians neede immediate treatment. Running over to an unconscious man with a swollen arm almost the size of his torso, I cast a [Basic Heal] to prevent any more of his vessels from exploding.

Let's keep the Hero Game System screen open.

Opening the screen, I select the [Basic Heal] Skill which is only at Level 5.

"Hey, Iris, " I whispered.

"How may I assist you." She responded instantly.

"If I stop the bleeding of everyone in this tent, would I be able to raise my [Basic Healing] Skill to [Intermediate Healing] Skill?"


"Let's do that!" I whispered enthusiastically.

Almost done stopping the bleeding on the man's arm, the rude Healer creeps up behind me with a timer. He does not even dare to give me some personal space. I retract [Basic Healing] and the man's bludging red arm stopped expanding.

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