~Chapter Ten~

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I had to get them out. And I had a way to do it.

I crept silently along those halls that night, just like they had taught me. One door, two doors, three- there it was.

I swiped the stolen guard's badge across the pad. It gave a soft chirp before swinging open. The figures were sleeping in their beds. I moved quickly to the first bed and shook the person. "Minho, wake up. Wake up."

He rolled over. "Nicci? What's going on?"

I held a finger to my lips. "Wake the others. We're getting out."

His eyes went wide and he sat up, instantly awake. He moved across reaching for the other slumbering figures. I turned back to the door making sure no one was there. Soon they were all awake and dressed. "This way," I lead them into the halls.

Silently we moved with and unspoken urgency. Freedom, freedom, freedom-

We rounded the corner and the lights flooded on, nearly blinding us. I blinked before making the scene in front of me. Ava Paige stood, hands clasped in front of her. Mitch held upright by two guards, blood dripping from his face. My heart leapt into my throat and I started for him but Minho grasped my hand and pulled me back. "Don't," his voice was low.

My heart pounded inside my chest, the group behind me moving uneasily. More guards appeared, surrounding us.

"Did you really think," Ava Paige stepped forward, "That you could get them out, Agent 13? And with the help of Agent 12?" She gestured to Mitch.

"They have names," Minho spat.

Her eyes flickered to him disinterested and then to our hands entwined. A shadow of a smile crossed her face. "It seems we have let you have too many freedoms, Agent 13. You and your brother." She turned to face Mitch.

"What did you do to him, you bitch." I snarled the words.

"Oh, Agent 13. The best we ever trained but you always had that rebellious streak in you, didn't you?" She shook her head sadly. "This changes things. Take them away."

"No!" I turned to Minho, gripping his wrist. "No!"

"It'll be okay, I promise." He told me. A guard jerked his arm. "It'll be okay, Nicci. I love you."

"No!" I yelled, fighting the guard who pulled me away. Someone jabbed something into my neck and my vision blurred as I saw Minho reaching towards me.

Then it all went to black.

I woke in a cold sweat, shudders running down my spine. I sat up and remembered I was in the Homestead. In the Glade. I closed my eyes briefly and then realized Minho was sleeping in the bed beside mine.

I studied his still form, my heart aching. He didn't remember me. All he had left was a semblance of a connection. Something we'd once had. A tear slipped down my cheek. I roughly brushed it away.

Punishment for my actions that night. Minho's memory wiped and a place made for him in the Maze Trails. I would be sent in to wrought destruction, orgastrate chaos and death and ultimately betray them all in the end.

And he would hate me for it.

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