Alianna - Part 10

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As Onika and Safaree wiped the sauce off of Alianna's face, they raced through the mall. Alianna was tagging behind, and annoyed Safaree let out a huff, telling her that she needed to hurry up.

"Why are we walking so fast?" She whined.

"Because," Safaree started, " if we don't get there soon, the line will be way too long."

"But daddy my legs are hurting. Could you please pick me up? Pleeeeaaassseee?" She pleaded.

Safaree let out a sigh them replied, "Fine, but you've gotta realize that one day you're the one that's gonna be carrying me around, aight?"

"Yes daddy." Alianna replied with a giggle.

Onika giggled to herself as she rolled her eyes and though about Safaree being told what to do by a child.

"Whipped bitch" she whispered in his ear and he shot her a joking look of disgust.


They were almost at their destination. They turned the corner and as they did, Alianna's eyes lit up with pure surprise and joy. They knew the long drive and the rush to Beth there was worth it, because infront of them, was the greatest Santa Photo display in New York. Alianna's squealed with excitement. Tall decorated Christmas trees were everywhere, as well as piles of wrapped gifts that stood all the way to the roof. There was fake snow covering every inch of the display and it smelled like peppermint.

"Wow." Alianna's sighed as she wriggled out of Safaree's grip. She landed on the soft faux snow, picked up a handful of it, and threw it in the air. As she danced around in the falling snow, the happiest she had ever been, Onika and Safaree gave eachother a look of pride as they knew they had made their daughters day.

After she finished playing in the snow, she looked up to see Santa, the jolly man in the red suit, sitting on a golden throne made from candy canes, with a real reindeer being held next to him by one of the many elves that were there.

She approached the elf slowly and asked "Could I pat him?" The elf agreed and she reached up to its nose and patted it in between the eyes. Onika and Safaree walked over and told her to sit down by Santa. She talked to him for a while, then they took the photos. Onika and Safaree ordered the Premium Package so they had plenty to give to relatives, and then when Alianna's had gone to play in the snow again, went up to Santa to ask him what she had asked for.

"She was a very interesting girl." Santa said. "She only wanted two things."

"And what were those?" Onika asked.

"She said all that she wanted was my reindeer, and some of your pancakes for Christmas breakfast."

Onika looked over at her lovingly. She told Santa thank you and walked over towards her darling child.

"Honey," she started, " Why did you only want 2 things for Christmas?"

Alianna looked up at her and replied.

"I didn't want anything more than your pancakes for Christmas because already have what I've wished for Christmas for a very long time."

"And what is that?" Onika asked.

"A father." Alianna replied.

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Thankyou guys so much for reading! And thankyou so much for 8k!!!

But I need to ask you a favour...

I'm writing a new book! It is called The Soulmate Countdown.

And I know it's not Nicki related, but, I want it to get as many reads, if not more than this.

Also my friend emmaxblah is writing an amazing story. It's called The Combatant.

It's amazing! I swear it is gonna be the next Divergent. She has already made me cry and it's only the second chapter!

SO what I need you to do is read those two books, then share them with friends, family whatever. Go tell people about it. Tell your moms, your dad's, your friends, you non-friends, your neighbors, aunties, uncles, cousins, pets, etc. AND I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.

(Also remember to check out my youtube channel - heyyyitsella)


Ella xoxoxox

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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