Cornflower & Chamomile

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(Centaurea cyanus)

• Full Sun, Culinary Used, and Essential Oil.

Ideal Soil: Well-drained

Parts Used: Flowers

Medicinal: For minor wounds, mouth ulcers, and eye inflammation.

• Other names: Bluebottle, knapweed, and bachelor's button.

This wildflower was common in cornfields throughout Europe. Its botanical name comes from the centaur Chiron, who first revealed the flower's healing powers.

Flowers vary in color from white to bright blue, purple, pink, or red, and are a popular addition to potpourri.

Cornflower extracts are added to cosmetic and hair preparations, and dyes.

To extend flowering, sow seed fortnightly from spring to summer. Add blooms to salads as a garnish.


Sow seed outdoors in spring or fall. Will self-sow. 

Growth Habit: Hardly annual; height 8-36 inches [20-90cm].

Flowers: Spring to summer; thistle-like blooms.


Harvest flowers as they open. Use fresh or dried.


(Chamaemelum nobile)

Full Sun, Pot Suitable, Tea, and Essential Oil.

Ideal Soil: Moist and well-drained

Parts Used: Flowers and oil

Medicinal: Insomnia, stress-related illnesses, and hyperactivity.

Culinary: As a tea.

Herb gardens of yesteryear often included a lush lawn of chamomile that released a sweet, apple-like scent when walked upon.

Established chamomile lawns can be mowed like grass. In the first year, clip flowers to encourage growth.

An infusion of dried chamomile flowers makes a soothing tea. Add a swirl of honey to taste.

Dried chamomile is used in both commercially prepared and homeopathic treatments.


Sow seed or divide older plants in spring. Creeping runners create a carpet-like surface.

Growth Habit: Perennial ; height to 9  inches [22.5 cm].

Flowers: Summer; small, daisy-like blooms.


Collect flowers at full bloom and dry on trays or paper. Store in tightly sealed containers.

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