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Literally "therapy by smell", aromatherapy uses the fragrant, natural essential oils of herbs and flowers to beneficial effect on the body.

Each herb releases different scent molecules that are detected by the olfactory nerves in the nose. These nerves are linked with the areas of the brain that deal with emotions, memory, and creativity. As a response, the brain injects particular chemicals into the body; in turn this can affects the workings of bodily functions.

By mixing two or more essential oils you can create an aroma that has added therapeutic properties. However, it is important to get the ratio right. Consult a professional for recommended combinations.

Scent sticks are steeped in essential oils and release fragrant aromas that aid in healing and relaxation.

Herbal joss sticks have been used for centuries to cleanse the air during religious ceremonies. Use them at home to create a mood.


You can release the aromas of essential oils in many ways. Try adding them to water in a humidifier, or place drop on a log before popping it on the fire.

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