The crunching sound of burnt debris brought everyone's attention to the doorway to see Hadley step inside. She looked around, mouth open, while the others watched her with distrust. When she saw Reyne, she approached. "I came as soon as I heard there was a fire. What happened?"

"Seems some of your bots thought to pay me a visit after you left yesterday," Reyne said.

"What?" She shook her head. "I don't understand."

"He's saying your little spider bots tried to kill him right after you left him alone," Sixx answered, tossing a melted unit toward her.

She caught it and stared, seemingly genuinely confused. But Reyne no longer knew what to think about her. He'd liked her right off the bat, but her charisma could just as easily have been an act. He'd been a poor judge of character in the past. And had paid the price.

Her brow furrowed. "I don't know how they could do something like that. They're specifically programmed for simple, repeatable construction tasks."

"Maybe they're programmed for more than just construction," Sixx said.

"They are not preprogrammed to kill, if that's what you're trying to say," she snapped at him.

"Where are your bots now?" Reyne asked.

Hadley turned back to him. "Ten are with the crews, laying wire. I sent the rest to assist Simon at the docks this morning. All my bots were accounted for at that time. I can have them returned if you'd like to see them."

"No," Reyne said, not wanting to see one more of the creepy-crawlies ever again.

"Yes. Bring me one," Boden countered. "I want to go through its code."

"Of course, though I don't know if it will do you any good," she said.

Boden's features tightened as he thought. "Can you also provide us Legacy Star's shipping manifests that show how many bots were delivered to Tulan Port?"

"I'll run an inventory on all bots in operation. I'll get those numbers to you this morning." She noticed the burns on Reyne's arms, and her eyes widened as she rushed closer. "You're hurt! Are you okay?"

"Injuries sometimes happen when someone tries to kill you," Bree said drily.

Hadley ignored her. "I don't understand why someone would do this to you. Doesn't everyone understand that you're trying to make things better on Playa?"

"Obviously not everyone's a fan," Reyne said, taking a step back, not fully convinced that Hadley didn't know more than she was letting on.

She noticed the movement, and her lips thinned. "Well, please know that I do care, and I'll have the bot and numbers sent over right away. You know how to reach me."

She left the room.

"You know," Sixx began, "if she's not trying to kill you, you'll have some apologizing to do."

Reyne shrugged.

Bree scowled. "Hadley was the only person besides Sixx who knew you'd be alone here."

"Are you saying that I'm a suspect?" Sixx asked.

Bree thumped his shoulder. "Not this time, sugar. Hadley tops my list."

Sixx then turned to Boden. "You realize that any bot Hadley delivers will have been wiped clean. The same with any numbers she provides. There's no way she'd give us anything that might implicate her or her employer."

Boden shook his head. "There are always footprints left in bot programming. If she wipes it, I'll see it."

"And the numbers?" Sixx asked.

"If she's not lying, and I know that's a big if, I want to see if the bots that went after Reyne were listed on the manifest. If all the Legacy Star bots are accounted for, then we have to assume there could be many more out there."

Reyne winced. "You think there could be more murder bots scurrying around Tulan Port than the ones on the construction crews?" He shivered.

"That's just creepy," Sixx added.

A man stepped into the office. He wore the black jumpsuit of the construction crews. "'Scuse me, Stationmastah. We's starting on yo' office now. We's have it fixed within a day"

Reyne motioned him inside. "It's all yours."

Reyne, Sixx, Bree, and Boden left the office for the construction crews. On his way out, Reyne turned back to the Playan. "Oh, and when you replace the vent covers, be sure to use rilon."

The man frowned, then shrugged. "Sho' thing, Stationmastah."

Reyne joined his friends in the hall.

"Rilon will keep bots from coming through the vents," Boden said, "but we need to ramp up security on any access point to your office. I think your door should also be rilon, since we have plenty of it here on Playa."

"Just because we have plenty of it doesn't make it cheap," Reyne said. "But if it makes you feel better, I'm all for it."

Boden had always been a good mechanic. That attention to detail had flooded over into other aspects of his life since Throttle left. It was as though Boden kept his mind off her by trying to keep it busy all the time. Reyne had expected Boden to run back to the Sweet Soy. The Alluvian had surprised him and stayed clean, though Reyne wondered if that was more due to the fact that Sweet Soy was nearly impossible to find on Playa than anything else.

Boden nodded. "I'll give some thought to what else we can do. We have to fortify your office. Same with your apartment. When they come after you again, you might not be so lucky."

"Lucky?" Reyne guffawed. "It wasn't luck. I fought them off with pure skill...and maybe a touch of luck."

"Let's not count on luck next time," Sixx said. "We'll rotate shifts. Boden, Bree, and I will each take ten-hour shifts every standard day."

Reyne frowned. "I don't need to be babysat."

"If something happens to you, I'm out of a job," Sixx said. "Who's going to hire a thief with outstanding warrants on every planet?"

"Ex-thief," Bree corrected.

"Sure," Sixx said, not inspiring confidence in his changed ways.

"You?" Boden said. "How about me? No one in the Alliance will hire an Alluvian drug addict, and no one in the Collective will hire an expat citizen."

"I have you both beat," Bree said. "No one would hire me, since I'm listed as deceased on all records. Hard to hire a corpse."

Sixx turned back to Reyne. "See, boss? We're not babysitting you; we're looking out for our own well-being."

Reyne cocked his head. "Now I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't make my hiring requirements a bit stricter when taking on new crew members."

"Nah," Sixx said. "I think you've got them at just the right level."

Reyne sighed. "Okay, illustrious crew, let's go find ourselves an assassin."

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