"Excellent. Let him land," Hatha said.

"Hold on," Reyne said. "Could it be a trap? Why would the press want to be on the ground rather than on board the Unity where it's much safer?"

"I don't know, and I don't care," Hatha said. "Having the Collective's news channel down here, on the ground, means that if the Unity fires upon us, everyone in the system will see."

"That's assuming he's not coming down here to put the Collective spin on what's happening here. Him emerging from jump right after the Unity can't be a coincidence. Don't trust reporters—not until you know who puts the credits in their pockets."

Hatha watched Reyne for a brief moment before turning back to Sammy. "Let him land." She then turned to her guard. "Tully, have him brought to the control room. Have extra security on hand in case he tries something."

Sometime later, Willas James arrived with a cadre of camera handlers and Darion security forces.

Hatha moved to greet him first. "Willas James, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. I'm Hatha Satine, serving as interim stationmaster of Sol Base." She motioned to Reyne. "And, this is Marshal Aramis Reyne of the Fringe Liberation Campaign."

Willas shook both their hands. "I'm familiar with both of you. Thank you for allowing me to land."

"Why did you land?" Reyne asked bluntly. "Sol Base is about to become the most dangerous place to be in the Collective."

Willas grinned. "Which means it's the best place for a reporter to win a Halston Prize."

"True, though the CUF might not look too friendly on a reporter on the ground with torrents rather than up in the air on the Unity," Reyne said.

Willas looked offended. "I travel under the Fair News and Reporting Act. I report the news, and I go where the news is." He paused. "And I'm down here because Corps General Laciam wouldn't return my comm request."

Reyne smiled when the reporter said something that made the most sense about why he was in Sol Base.

Willas motioned to his camera handlers. "We're here to check things out firsthand. Is it true you have control of Sol Base?"

"It's true," Reyne said.

"The Darion people have reclaimed their colony," Hatha said.

"And what did you do with the CUF dromadiers who were here, as well as the crews of the ships above us?" Willas continued.

"They are being held as prisoners of war," Reyne said.

"I will give you a tour, so you can see all prisoners are being treated with respect."

"I would like that," Willas said. "Does that mean you took control of Sol Base without the loss of any lives?"

"Unfortunately, lives were lost on both sides," Hatha said. "Four dromadiers and fifty-eight colonists were killed on the ground, and we estimate three hundred and twenty-six dromadiers and thirteen colonists were killed in the air when Commandant Corll refused to stand down and negotiate. But those numbers will pale compared to the number of deaths if the Unity fires upon Sol Base, where there are over fifteen thousand innocents working at rebuilding the colony and shipping food to the Collective."

"Speaking of food," Willas continued, "will you cut off food to Alluvia and Myr, now that you're in control of Sol Base?"

"Absolutely not," Hatha said. "However, that's not up to me. I have transports sitting in Sol Base's docks right now, loaded with food, and they can't launch without risk of being shot down. I'm not going to risk the lives of colonists to have them try to sneak around a CUF blockade. Perhaps citizens will risk their lives to attempt circumventing the blockade."

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