Chapter 1

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I have to get out of here. Its like friggin jail. The bell rang again. I tiptoed down to the door and through the window I saw it was him. Daniel Alvar. My all-time famous ex. God, he takes break-ups seriously. You can totally tell his parents didn't think he would turn into a singer/ actor. Adding to the not to mention hottiness with money. Just to make it clear im no gold-digger. It just so happens that I fall in love with a guy that has it. I didn't mean to fall in love. I thought it was whatever. Like it doesn't exist and then Daniel has to come bombarding into my life. I mean im serious. Im just 17. I met him last year when I moved to Venice, Italy. I was going there for high school. My mother died giving birth to me and my father died the last week of middle school in a car crash. So then now I have to live with my sister, Natalie, which by the way I haven't seen in forever. So, well it was the first day of school and I had to get lost! Like if my life is not already a disaster! I go down a hallway and a guy just gets in my face. He was a black, tall, old guy with no hair. He was wearing a multi-colored Unisex Dashiki Shirt and a pair of purple Mens Flared Leisure Pants. Talk about the 70s. I mean were in 21st century! Apparently he didn't get the memo.

"Excuse me ma'm. Are you lost.", the guy which I now find out has a German accent said, breaking my mental babble.


God why do I sound scared!

CUZ IM SO NOT! He's just like a creepy dean from my old school. Okay now relax.

"Well, yes I am lost. You see I'm new to this …"I stopped to make effect.

"um, well school ….. yeah, I guess we can call it that. So im new and I have no idea where the front office is so I can get my schedule. Why am I telling you this? Who in cheese puffs are you anyway?"

"Oh im so very sorry my lady. I should have introduced myself. My name is Jack Forest. I'm the school's vice principal. If you should follow me I will show you the office you need to get your schedule."

Crap! Its my first day at this new school and I'm not even here for an hour and im in trouble. Real smooth. Real Smooth. This is poop.

We walked through so many hallways I was wondering how is it that no one gets lost, We entered a really really bright room. I saw a lady at the front desk. She was 5'7'' with a short Black silk dress. Silk? Was she gonna go on a date? Hello she looks 40. Yuck!

The lady got up from the desk and said," Good Morning Mr. Forest…"

She looked at me and said,"… and who is this young lady that accompanies you Sir."

I looked at myself. I was wearing a nice and decent knee-high white Vintage dress with 3 inch high white stilettos and a moschino leather moto jacket in a creamy caramel color. So why was this lady looking at me like I was a slut. Seriously. If someone looks like a slut it's her. Huh! Nobody has ever looked at me like that and I was not expecting people to start to.

I tried to act like I was oblivious to her little up to down killing look and I spoke so she wouldn't think I was shy.

The last thing I needed was another reputation of a shy nerdy kid. DEFINITELY NOT!

" Good Morning.-"

Why not be polite?

"I'm the transfer student from New York. I was supposed to arrive Monday but my flight here was canceled I had to stay in the city for another day. Then I got here. Unpacked two of the suitcases I brought. Though im still waiting for them to send me the rest of my stuff. I got up this lovely Wednesday morning and came to this school. Oops! By the way, could I know the name of this school?"

"Le lecee Annabelle young lady. I need to ask you what your name is so i can give you your schedule." Mrs. 40 year old trying to get dips said.


OMG, I can never forgive what Natalie has done.

I opened the door of the office.

My sister was outside, her back to me and screaming my name.

"Hello. Earth to Nat. if you haven't noticed we are in a school and you can not scream your lungs out while there are classes in session."

I wasn't screaming but it was audible enough that I was sure a few classes could even here me.

She spun around quickly and hugged me. What the hell is wrong with her? She knows I don't like that .

First of all I'm 17 and I am now pretty much an orphan.

I know I looked like crap when I was found in my house alone. It wasn't that bad of a mess. Scratch that. It was spotless. My dad didn't do anything. He just brought the money so I could go buy food for dinner or I could go buy a nice shirt, dress, whatever. Plus, I had my own job. I began a website. Not like MySpace or Facebook but it was so top secret that teachers didn't even know about it.

"Dude get off me. you know I hate hugs and you know why to."

I said this in a gentle voice but you could tell when she went blank and her arms fell to her side that she was thinking about the car crash.

No one knew about the car crash my dad had or even why. Except me.

it was my last day off school in middle school and I was super excited. I picked the perfect outfit even though I knew no one was going to look at me. it took me about an hour to decide what to wear on my last day of middle school.

I ended up wearing a black short dress with combat boots a necklace with a black bat on it and my hair in a bun. my dad was waiting for me outside the house with a smile on his face. It was the smile that said that's my girl.

my dad is all about impressions. its not only the clothing. its everything. he was a lawyer and never reallly had time for me so I pretty much became a hacker because of that. he had the look of proffesionalism but also sweet and respectful. He never really laughed. he just smiled. he had a smile that was when he was mad. he would never through a fit he would just smile that said that he was serious and not to disturb him. My favorite smile was the one I stole from time to time. like when I was so energetic because I got straight A's in my report card or some crazy stuff like that. he would give me the smile of This girl is crazy but I love her.

the day of the accident I was tired of no hugs or kisses so I came hopping down the stairs and just gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He looked surprised just like I was. then after a second he smiled a smile I had never seen before apart from the ones in pictures. it was the smile he gave to my mother. every picture they had he would smile in a way that I cant define. it was a smile so pure, sweet, and full of love that after my mom died it was never seen again until now. I was so thrilled and astonished that I had given him that smile. that I had stolen the greatest of all smiles. on the way to school I was distracted with this coming in my head over and over again.

Apparently he was too. We were on the bridge but somehow we hit the side and our car fell in the water. that had woken me up from my inner babble and dads. he turned around and told me

"Honey I need you to get out of the car right now."

I was panicking. what! get out of the car without him.

"But dad what about you?"

"My seat belt is stuck. I'll be up with you in a second. Okay."

"okay daddy. I love you."

"Me too sweetheart. Me too."

That was the last I heard of him. I was waiting for him on top of the water looking for him. Waiting for him to rise. It never happened. Now that I think of it maybe this is what my dream meant.


This is the first chapter. How exciting! Im dedicating this to OmniAura because I believe that my followers deserve all the recognition i can give them and this is how i do it. With dedications!

Please let me know what you guys think.

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With buckets of love,


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