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It was now their final day in Canada and Mark was in tears. He wouldn't leave his grandparents side and Donghyuck found it adorable. He didn't want to leave them again but he had to. So, he decided to make the most of his last day with them. They watched dramas all day, ate loads of food and played board games.
"That's cheating!" Mark yelled at Donghyuck.
"No it's not!" Donghyuck yelled back like a child.
"Yes it is! You moved your counter too far forward." Mark scolded.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry." Donghyuck surrendered.
Mark laughed at how childish Donghyuck was. He'd do anything to win.
"Angel~ when will you grow up?" Mark teased.
"Never." Donghyuck said with a pout. Mark leaned forward and pecked the pout formed on Donghyuck's lips.
"Cutie." He mumbled making the blush evident on Donghyuck's cheeks.
"So, you two are official?" Mark's grandad asked and the two nodded slightly hesitant.
"I told you they'd get together." His Grandma whispered but they heard anyway and Mark laughed at her words.


"Mark and I will make Lunch for you guys today. It's our last day, we should treat you before we leave." Donghyuck told as he pulled Mark to the kitchen.
"Hold up, I can't cook." Mark said.
"But I can, just follow my lead." Donghyuck instructed.
"No I'm serious, I'd burn water." Mark said implying that it was a bad idea.
"You can chop the vegetables." Donghyuck put a knife and chopping board out for Mark before handing him some carrots and potatoes to cut.
Donghyuck boiled some water in a pan and added some salt and spices into it. Meanwhile Mark was staring at the carrot in his hands, confused about how to cut the carrot down the middle without chopping his hand off, accidentally.
Donghyuck noticed and helped him.
"Let me help." He said in a comedic tone.
He stood behind Mark and slowly moved his hands down Mark's arm. He reached his hands and positioned Mark's hand on the carrot, so he wouldn't hurt his fingers and wrapped his other hand over Mark's on the knife. They cut each piece together but their minds were going crazy.
Mark could feel Donghyuck's rapid heartbeat against his back and how in sync it was with his.
He could feel Donghyuck's breath on his neck and he could feel the warmth spread in his body. He dropped the knife from his hand and turned to face Donghyuck. Mark stared in his eyes before connecting their lips. He pushed Donghyuck back until he was leaning back on the opposite counter, still immersed in the kiss. His hands wrapped around Marks neck and tugged on his hair as Mark pulled Donghyuck deeper into the kiss, one hand around Donghyuck's waist and the other on the counter to support their weight. Mark lead the kiss sensually, giving Donghyuck everything he wanted. Nibbling and sucking and Donghyuck's bottom lip, creating a lustful atmosphere full of craving and neediness. He only stopped when Donghyuck patted on his shoulder, as a sign that he was out of breath. Mark pulled away and looked at Donghyuck's disheveled appearance. His shirt hanging loosely on his shoulders and his hair messy with certain parts sticking out. Donghyuck rested his head back on the cupboards to catch his breath.
"Who knew, Mark Lee can also be dominant." Donghyuck smirked.
"It's not my fault that you're such a flirt. I can't help myself when it's you." He said back.
"If that's the reward I get for flirting, then I might make it my permanent career." Donghyuck smiled at Mark who rolled his eyes.


The next day, the two boys said their goodbyes to Mark's grandparents and travelled deeper into the airport to wait for their flight. They still had around 1 hour before their flight arrives, so they sat in Starbucks with their drinks just chilling and taking pictures of themselves. They felt at peace. Nobody to hide from, nobody telling them what to do. They felt secure with eachother, like nobody could falter their smiles, even if they tried. Mark interwined his fingers with Donghyuck's and squeezed his hand. They grabbed their things and walked to the correct gate, as they heard the announcement. Still hand in hand, the boys laughed and giggled with each other.
Although, they had noticed some people looking at them unusually, they weren't bothered because in that moment only the two of them existed for each other.


They collected their bags and went outside, it wasn't hard for them to find their friends as all you could hear was Chenle's screeching along with, Jaemin and Renjun's bickering. As they approached their friends, Donghyuck was a little nervous and so he retreated his hand from Mark's but Mark almost instantly pulled it back. He gave mark a reassuring smile and a peck on the cheek, sending the boys in front of them in a shocked state, all accept Jaemin.
"Don't worry about it. I'm here for you." Mark smiled brightly.
"Yas! I told y'all they'd get together and none of you believed me!" He screeched.
He held out his palms and wiggled his fingers as  a sign for the boys to pay up.
One by one, Yangyang, Renjun, Chenle and Jisung all placed the money in his hands.

"Y'all thought they wouldn't have the guts to confess." Jaemin scoffed in disapproval.
"I believed you. I've supported Markhyuck too" Jeno hung his arm around Jaemin's shoulder.
"But I've been the president of Markhyuck nation since day 1. Square up, bitches!" Jaemin lifted his chin up high with pride.
"Markhyuck forever~ Markhyuck forever~." Jaemin chorused whilst portraying a strange victory dance.
"Calm down, Nana." Jeno placed his hands on Jaemin's black shoulders to stop him from jumping around.
"Glad to see all this love and support." Donghyuck chuckled.
The boys entered the van and Mark greeted his mum who was waiting on the car to drive them home.
When they arrived Mark insisted he drop Donghyuck off to the front door of his house. As the door swung open, Mark looked confused and Donghyuck was startled by to see a face he never thought he'd come across again. His overgrown, brown, fluffy hair, still hung over his eyes a little. His amber eyes were tender and affectionate, just as they used to be. His figure, leaned and muscular, like an athlete's. Mark felt slightly jealous of the boy who stood in Donghyuck's doorway, knowing that the boy was a lot better looking and healthier than him. He then curved his pink lips into smile that accentuated his eyes more and made quite the impression on the two boys.


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