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The next few days in school was normal. Donghyuck new nothing about Mark and his parents and Mark preferred it that way.
As they were getting ready to leave their classroom for lunch their teacher spoke up.
"Also, I'd like to say that due to unfortunate reasons, the trip to Vancouver has been cancelled. All of you that already payed will be refunded." As they left the class, Donghyuck noticed the frown on Mark's face.
"Why are you sad?" He asked Mark just shook his head but Donghyuck knew it was because the trip got cancelled.
"I've gotta go to Mr moon, to retake my physics exam. Seeya." Mark waved bye to Donghyuck.


The 6 boys sat on the fields behind school, embracing the warmth and sunlight. They munched away at their lunch and Renjun considered it a good opportunity to bring up the topic of Mark's birthday.
"So, Mark's birthday's in 5 days, what are you guys getting him?". He asked.
The boys froze in shock. Time really passed all too fast and it seemed they'd all forgotten of their hyungs birthday.
"You're kidding, right?" Jisung asked.
"Please tell me you're kidding." Chenle agreed with Jisung. The silence consumes them as they were all lost, deep in thought on what they could buy the oldest this year, although Renjun had already done what he had to and considered himself to have bought the best gift for Mark.
"I'm a good friend so I already bought him a present." Renjun mocked the others.
"What did you get him?" Jaemin asked.
"It can't be that good." Jeno scoffed in annoyance and Renjun rolled his eyes.
"I got him a 500,000 won gift card for water lily café. He can now have all the watermelon he wants."
"Ooh, that is a good gift baby." Yangyang cheered and pecked Renjun's lips. The others looked so deep in thought about their gifts especially Donghyuck. He had only known Mark almost 2 months and only knew a few of the things Mark like but he wanted it to be special.
"How about we all go shopping for his birthday after school?" Yangyang suggested
"Won't that look suspicious?" Jaemin eyed the male weirdly, thinking he was being stupid.
"Fine, go yourself then." Yangyang rolled his eyes and Jaemin stuck his tongue out at him.


When Donghyuck hot home he was greeted with the aroma of freshly steamed vegetables and rice. It was a pleasing scent that awoke the crumpling of his stomach but he fought off the urge. He could go a few more days without food, right?
His parents entered the living room and Donghyuck froze in fear. Maybe if he didn't move they wouldn't notice him. Alas, they did notice him but what came next shocked Donghyuck.
"Honey, you're home." His mother cheered hugging him. Donghyuck was startled and he didn't even have time to react to the situation.
"What's going on?" He asked bravely.
"We made you dinner." She pulled Donghyuck over to the dining table and gestured for him to sit.
"Thank you so much but I'm really not hungry." Donghyuck said thinking that it may just be a sick joke.
"Nonesense, you haven't eaten all day." His father said serving him the food.
"A-are you sure?" Donghyuck questioned one last time and his parents nodded. Donghyuck took a bite only after his parents began eating out of respect and he felt strange, out of the ordinary but in an amazing way. They all ate together. After a few minutes even Taeyong joined with hesitation and though they didn't talk much through their meal. They all felt content with themselves. Like a True family.
Within that moment, seeing their children smiling and eating properly, something they hadn't witnessed since the two we're younger, something clicked in both of them. They looked at each other, the feelings of remorse tearing away at their souls but they held on. They were for once happy for their sons and they themselves didn't know exactly why.
After a few moments Mark knocked on the door and Taeyong answered.
"Hey dude, come in." They let Mark enter and he did. Mark was shocked seeing the scene Infront of him. He didn't expect them to go to this extent but he was thankful that they did.
"Hyung." Donghyuck hugged Mark before continuing his meal.
"Hey, Mark how are you today?" Donghyuck's mother asked.
"Great, thanks for asking." He responded politely.
After Donghyuck finished they got up and went to his room.
When they were gone Taeyong whispered.
"I'm sure Mark has done something to cause this but I assure you he's a good kid. He's only ever angry to protect the people he loves." They nodded in response but felt a little guilty that they even drove mark to that extent. All the confusing emotions came rushing back and they finally began addressing these emotions correctly.


Meanwhile Donghyuck lay on. His back staring up at the sealing and Mark lay beside him. Clinging onto his arms and legs, like a teddy bear.
"Canada would've been so much fun." He whined.
"You could've met my grandparents and seen my favourite places, I wanted to share my experiences with you ." Mark pouted. Donghyuck flipped them slightly so he was hovering over Mark.
"Quit whining." He said.
"But-" mark started but was cut off.
"Maybe it was for the best. It was destiny." Donghyuck said but Mark continued pouting.
"Destiny's a bitch." Mark said.
Donghyuck leaned closer and pecked Mark's cheek.
"I want more." He tapped his cheek and Donghyuck giggled before showering him with kisses. From his cheeks to his neck and Mark loved all the happiness this boy could make him feel.
A few hours later, Donghyuck was sat alone in his room on his laptop, looking for things to buy. Attempting to find Mark's gift in the process. Just then his eyes trailed to another link to a website and he clicked unsurely but what met his eyes truly felt like destiny. This was amazing. The perfect present for Mark...

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