There searching for us but there soldiers are out of the castle. It would be a perfect time to check out the layout of the castle. Then I remember the acorn. If I were to get caught in the castle the game would be up and nothing good would come of it. So i just continue going along the tree tops. 

Some soldiers glance up as I pass by and I freeze. They can't see me but I'm sure they can see the branches swaying and hear the leaves rustling not that I'm a novice who doesn't know how to keep the branches from doing that. Then one shouts and points right at me. An archer takes aim and if I move they will catch it. 

Dropping will cause sound, going to another branch will be obvious with them this close, and if I stay I will be getting shot. Slowly I creep up the branch closer to the tree. The arrow shoots past my head as I lean into the tree. It barely misses my head but catches a few hairs that become VERY visible as they shine in the light on the way down. 

The shouting starts and I take off again through the trees. Slowly I climb as high up as I dare to go. The branches are getting thin and a few don't look safe at this point. I don't have an option though. Closer to the ground means they can follow me easier and my board is way to visible. 

Quickly I take a hard left turn towards the mountains. Then I stop and press my back against the tree. I am still invisible but it seems someone down there knows how to spot me still. "Blaze I'm going to come to you. I have soldiers on my tail. One can see me somehow." I tell her in my mind. 

"I am near I can swoop down and get you." She answers me. I think of the archer who almost got me and he couldn't even see me. "NO. Stay there these are not normal humans. How far away do you think you are?" I tell her. A few moments of silence. "I am circling high above you..." Blaze said. 

My eyes dart to the sky and so high up you couldn't see it unless your looking for it is a tiny black speck. It could be a bird but I know it's not. "Blaze can you see any soldiers at all from up there?" I ask her. Another moment of silence. "The trees are to thick I can't see through them." She tells me. I send her my annoyance but then start running again. 

There should be a river about a mile South of where I am. If I can make it to the river and dive in I should be able to swim with the swift moving current a good ways down stream and Blaze can get me out of the water. I send her my plan and she sends back her agreement and understanding. 

A few seconds later I can hear the sound of running water... and shouting. I make sure that I am still invisible and creep forward slowly. There are soldiers at the water. As far as I can see. Tilting my head I can hear them behind me as well. 

It was a trap there caging me in. Blaze can't come and save me of far worse could happen. My lightening rises under my skin. I'll fight if I have to but I don't think it will end well. I turn and go parallel with the river as I run. I thought Aspen said they were leading them away. 

It could have been a set up. My gut sinks. He knew I wouldn't have Blaze here with me. He knew I wouldn't be able to use my lightening while it was dark so I couldn't get as far especially since I was tired. Anger grows in me but he wasn't lying when he was talking to me. 

Soldiers are ahead of me. They are on all sides and I'm caged in. "Come out now Dragon Rider and we will show you mercy." The leader calls out into the woods. I can hear Blaze's growl in my head. "You have no where to run your surrounded. Just come out now and turn yourself in." He goes on. Anger follows as his voice rings out in my ears. 

In a battle one on one I'd win powers or not. With this many soldiers on his side there is no way I can win without killing and if Blaze swoops down to help. I get to the trees closest to the river. What I'm about to do is very stupid. 

Gathering up my strength I launch myself from my tree branch. I use lightening to keep me airborne and propel me faster. With a splash I land in the water and the current takes me swiftly away as I stay under the water for as long as I can. Once I surface I can hear him screaming at me.

I smirk and mock salute at him knowing he can see it but I am long since out of range of there arrows. He lets out a scream of rage and I life up my arms kicking my legs to stay above the water. Blaze swoops down and grabs my arms and flies off with me climbing onto her back and settling in for the flight home. 


Word Count: 1691

This is a little of a longer chapter. I thought I did pretty good. What happens next? Only time will tell. 

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