The wind got knocked out of me when my back hit the hard earth. I panicked as I tried desperately to stand and get closer to the water again.

The bald man stopped me though, standing in front of me. He kicked his leg out, hitting me square in the chest. I gagged on what I could only assume was blood and suppressed the urge to scream in pain.

The bald man grabbed me by my arms, pinning them behind me. The other one was in front of me now.

I kicked my legs out frantically, using all my strength to wiggle away.

I managed to land a shot right in the middle of scar faces stomach, causing him to stumble but only slightly.

"You bitch" he growled. His red eyes starred at me with anger as his fist suddenly connected to my cheek.

I was shocked by the pain, I had never been hit in the face like that.

My ears rang violently at the blow, causing my vision to blur. I thought for a moment I had screamed, but after a few seconds I realized it was Xavier who had made the painful noise.

My eyes snapped to the edge of the river behind the man in front of me. I watched in horror as Alister stabbed my friend clean through his chest and held it there.

Blood dripped from both ends of the weapon, seeping into the forest floor below.

Xavier made a horrible gurgling sound as if he was choking on his own blood. His body went limp and he dropped his weapon, this time I did scream.

"Stop it! Get away from him!" I cried out at Alister, but he only grinned and kept his eyes on Xavier.

Something came over me then, something I will never be able to truly describe.

It was as if the beast that had been locked inside of me had flung open its cage and roared loudly, taking control of my body.

It was almost like being on auto pilot, even though I was still in the captains chair. 

I slammed my head back, connecting with baldie and breaking his nose with a sickening cracking noise. His grip loosened just enough for me to escape.

I dodged the other warrior when he tried to grab me and leaped into the river, allowing the water to completely immerse me.

I stayed still for only a moment, letting the water wash away my blood and wounds.

When I stood, the two warriors were coming towards me, both with a look of... fear?

For some reason, that almost made me smile.

As my hands moved, water moved up my body, surrounding me as if it were my armor. I roared at the men with such fury I was sure I felt the ground shake.

They hesitated, only for a moment, but it was long enough for me to make my move.

With water still covering my body, I stepped out of the river and flung two ice spears at both warriors.

I didn't miss either of them.

The sharp spears went straight through their skulls, almost at the exact same time. The bald one on my right got it through his left eye, while scar face got it through his right.

Their bodies fell forward like tall timbers, each dead before they hit the ground.

I turned my head to the left, anger running like liquid fire through my veins.

I saw Alister standing close to Xavier's body. His lower right half laid in the river, his blood being carried downstream. There was so much blood covering him that it made me feel sick.

I roared at the warrior who stood before me. He seemed nervous now and took a step back.

"Your eyes, why are they black?" I heard him whisper to himself, all his confidence out the window.

I didn't know what he meant, but I didn't really care either.

I charged, my element following me in waves as power and rage burned through my body, propelling me forward.

The only thoughts in my head were to kill the man who killed my friend.

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