The War

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

I'm not sure when it all began. If I had to guess, I'd say it began when Sonic was defeated by an unknown enemy and presumed dead. I avoided the war for as long as I could but eventually, it caught up to me. It came in the form of the unknown monster. I just so happened to get caught in the crossfire between him and the resistance. I can still hear the sound of gunfire and can still feel the fear running through my veins. The sound of his voice which still sends chills down my spine. What lies behind the mask of this unknown monster? What reasons does he have to kill, to destroy? Some time has passed since my first encounter with him but my second encounter was not any better. Operation big wave was supposed to throw the enemy off guard but the monster, now known as Infinite, threw us off guard. We were to retreat and I got left behind. I had no choice but to try and fight Infinite alone. I was almost successful until... I passed out.

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