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I walked up his stairs hold back my tears. I was so frusterated.

My family life was as dry as my grandmas love life!

As me and suie got to his room I just stood looking out of the window.

It was raining. It never rained in California.

Suie wrapped his arms around me from the back and left light, romantic kisses on my neck and cheek.

I felt his hands slowly creep up from my stomach to my chest.

His grip got tighter.

Now I really started to panic.

His picked my up and droped me onto his bed. He got on top of me and we started making out.

A couple of minutes passed and suie got up clossed his door, locked it, then took his shirt off.

"Oh no" I said "uh-uh"

"What?!" He said with a goofy grin.

"We can't keep having sex every time I get upset." I said with an attitude.

"Ok" he said looking around his room, licking his lips. "How about most times you get upset?" He suggested.

"OMG!" I yelled in frustration. "How can you be so insensitive!?"

"Oh, its still that period, huh?"

"I'm leaving" I said getting up.

I unlocked his door, went out, down the stairs and walked home in the pouring rain.

"Yay." I said under my breath, "how much fun." I said sarcastically.

At this point I was just about ready to kill anyone that crossed me.

I walked across the empty road about a block from my house when all of the sudden I saw flashing lights and beeping noises.

I squinted trying to look at the strange, bright light and through all of the rain.

I wasn't in rhe right mind, so I had no idea what it was.

I shrugged it off and kept walking.

Seconds later I felt a gush of wind and then a hard metal wall push me valiantly to the sidewalk.

The crash nocted me out, but soon I heard fire alarms and almbulance alarms.

Oohh! Its getting juicy! Stay tuned loves💖

Suigeneris Falls in Love <3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن