I start to take my clothes off and fold them in a bin a little outside of the hot spring like bath. I wrapped a towel around my privates so ceri won't see them when I get up. Oh original yuuri you were so unprepared in this anime unlike me. When I dip my body in the warm water I look and see celi's shampoo. I grab it, open the top and take a sniff , "Mmm~ this smells really good.. can't wait to put this in my hair....I should use it as body wash too since it smells so good....oh what the heck" I use almost half the shampoo to clean my hair and body. After I'm done I sit back and relax closing my eyes.

She should be here any minute..

I hear the sound of foot steps coming towards the rather large bath.

There she is

wow she's really pretty, though im not a lesbian so I'm not really jumpy that she's barely covering herself with a towel.

"Are you the new Demon King?"

She asks in a seductive like voice

Damn, I don't blame Yuuri for freaking out.

"I believe so, though I didn't know this bath was co'ed" I answer getting up, the towel still covering my privates so I'm atleast decent.

"It's alright" she says as she starts walking into the water

"It's an amazing coincidence to meet you at a place like this"

She walks up to me

I nod

"Yeah, it is. I thought I'd be alone but I'm suddenly approached by a beauty, I'm yuuri Shibuya"

I say calmly

She lets out a small laugh

"You do have a way with words~"

Before she could introduce herself i speak again

"Though I have already finished, so I should go now and let you bath comfortably in peace"

I bow my head to her politely and head out of the bath

"I hope we see each other again"

I say my final goodbye and she giggles turning her head towards me

"I'm sure we will Demon King~♡"

I'll just have her be formally introduced at dinner with the others.

Oh! I should have apologized for using her shampoo..

I walk back to my room and I see my clothes cleaned and layed out on the bed.

Conrad and Gunter are also in the room

I decided not to meet them in a random hall way, nor tell them about celi.

"Did you have a nice bath, your highness?" Conrad Asks

I nod my head "I did, it was like a hot spring in japan"

"Your majesty.. please put this on"

Gunter turns to me with a slight nose bleed.

I tilt my head in confusion

"Since you are going to a dinner party for the Great One"

Conrad vaguely explains

I see Gunter holding out what looked to be girl like black panties.

"Ah..." was all I said as I took it from his hands, it doesn't really bother me too much since I used to wear these sometimes in my old life, but I wonder how comfortable or uncomfortable it would be since I'm a male..

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