Running From A Warzone (A Max George/The Wanted Fanfic

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As the tears streamed down my face and the blood drying on my skin I grabbed Natalie packing us each a small suitcase and headed to the airport. I needed to get out of this place.

"what's the next flight you have?" I asked the travel agent.

"twenty minutes. London." I nodded my head. "two tickets please." she typed something into the computer then handed me sheets of paper. The tickets on top. I filled everything out thoroughly. Then put Natalie back on my hip walking towards the gate getting on the plane.

A man about my age stood next to me. He was bad and had mysteriously grey eyes. He had headphones around his neck and a black hooded sweatshirt on. He was handsome.

I also noticed that he was quite short for being a man. He was only around 5 foot 6 inches or so.

Sitting down he grinned at me. He pulled a book and glasses out of his bag. As soon as he started reading, Natalie started screaming. I bounced her up and down shushing her and cuddling her in my arms.

The man sitting next to me looked at her sweet little face. "can I hold her please?" he gave me a reassuring grin. And I handed her over. She immediately stopped crying. "I'm max by the way." he offered me his hand. "I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani, and that's Natalie." I said pointing to my now sleeping daughter.

"so max, what's your secret?" I asked him with no flirting intended but it was completely there. I wasn't ready for another relationship. Not after Brian had treated me and Natty.

"I fondled her ears." I heard him say making me snap out of space.


The flight attendant had just announced that the flight was half over when a curly headed man much taller than Max came running over with his iPhone in hand max was still holding Natalie an had been for the past three hour almost. She was sound asleep and me and max had been talking about anything and everything.

"what do you want james?" Max snapped obviously annoyed.

"Maximilian. My name is not James. It's jay. And I'm trying to get some footage for the flip thank you very much." he snapped back with just as much attitude as max had given him.

"and what do we have here?" jay said finally noticing me and Natalie in max's arms.

"were friends jay. Gosh. She started screaming and I took her and calmed her down. Go bother someone else will ya?" max said louder and angrier than before. Jay walked back to where he came from and me and Max went back to talking.

"so what brings you to Canada?" I asked him. He replied, "business?" seeming hesitant. I moved on expecting that that was as good as I was going to get. "and what brings you to London?" he asked me. "ehh. Well. I'm moving here. Change of scenery I guess." hiding the truth. I liked max but I barely knew him. I will defiantly wait to tell him the whole story.

"so what's your number?" max asked me getting up from the seat pulling out his iPhone. "Urm. I don't have a phone yet. So how about you give me your number and I'll call you in a few days when I get settled in." he nodded pulling out a piece of paper and pen from his book bag. He gave it to me and pulled me into a tight hug pecking me on the cheek and saying goodbye to Natalie. In the two hours that she was awake she really loved him. In the six hours I talked to him, I really liked him.


YAAAAAAAY NEW FANFIC! So tell me what you think of the first chapter yeah? But please tell everyone to read this! I think that this one is going to be way better than I'm so much better now. Or maybe it's just me. Sorry its short! I swear i'll write longer chapter! But YAY FOR MAX! - xoxo Jordan <3

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