22. Kinder To Myself

Start from the beginning

But what angered me most was myself. The coward I was, I still couldn't own up to my doings. What was I so afraid of? Was it because I'll lose the fame I've worked so hard for? Was I really that shallow? Did my love for hyung meant that little? The guilt gets caught in my throat. I feel like throwing up, disgusted at myself. 

"Are you okay?", Seokjoong hyung looks at me worried as he passes me a glass of water.

I nod taking it from him and gulps it down.

"Take care of yourself. You look stressed and awful. You can't afford to do that as one of the leading actors in the country," he teases.

I scoffed amused at the remark and it makes both of us laugh.

He soon leaves me to attend to the kitchen and I finish my food in silence.

The place is deserted soon and I get up to leave too. Seokjoong-hyung packs some traditional Japanese sweets for me and lectures me to eat them well and fatten up my cheeks. The brothers have that in common- always rambling nd making sure everyone eats properly.

"Hyung.." I start nervously.

He bites his lip already knowing what I was gonna ask.

"..is there really no news from Jin-hyung?"


"He really won't cut himself off from his own family, would he??" I raise my voice alarmed and frightened.

"I'm sorry,Taehyung-ah.. I really want to help..but I have nothing," he places a hand on my shoulder.

"He won't...he just wont...," I feel the tears coming again.

"Do you..." the words get caught in my throat again,
"..do you think he's okay? Or..." I shut my eyes to avoid the picture of imagining him lying hurt somewhere.

"No! I'm sure he's fine. Don't depress yourself like this." He looks at me with sad eyes.

"It's my fault. If he's hurt, I swear I'll.." my hands and legs are shaking. I really can't imagine a world without him.

"Please stop blaming yourself, Taehyung. I know my brother. And I know for sure that he would never blame you. Whatever reason is keeping him away, I'm sure we can trust him. For now, focus on yourself just a little. You have a life and a responsiblity here. Be kinder to yourself...ok? " his voice is soothing but I can hear the hurt in them too.

I nod, trying to keep my sniffles in and bade him goodbye.

"Come back soon!"

"Umm..I will."


"Where's the food?" Jungkook asks just 5 minutes after he's arrived at my place.

"My staffs are preparing it in the rooftop kitchen. It's more spacious."

"Woah...You have a rooftop kitchen? Is that even a thing?" Jiminie exclaims while he takes a mirror selfie on the glass wall surrounding the common room. They haven't been here since I moved a month prior.

"How are you not broke yet after buying paintings that cost over a billion won?" Hobi-hyung shakes his head refusing to drop his disappointment anytime soon.

Yoongi-hyung chuckles, quietly enjoying his cocktail on the recliner.

It feels good being with them in the same room again. I wish birthdays occur more often.

Jungkook comes back with a packet of chips and asks in between munches,
"When is Namjoon-hyung coming?"

"He'll be here in about half an hour. He's meeting someone for a new collab," suga-hyung explains as he puts his empty glass down.

"What should we do while we wait? Let's not start the party without him," Kook pleads, still the ultimate fanboy for our leader.

"Ah! Let's play this new game I learned from my friends overseas. It involves a chilli and you put it up..."
Hobi-hyung is interrupted by the door bell.
I rushed over to open it and Namjoon-hyung greets me at the door smiling.

"Sorry. I came as fast as I could though."

"It's okay. We haven't done anything yet."

A sudden bout of laughter makes both of us turn to the source. The four of them are rolling and laughing, Jiminie hitting Hobi-hyung repeatedly. 

The liveliness in the room and us together makes my heart a little warmer, only to drop suddenly as it makes me miss someone whose laughter was the loudest amongst us.

Namjoon-hyung notices the change in my expression and he pats me softly on the head.

"Come on, the birthday boy shouldn't miss out on the fun,"

I nod and we walk in to the chaos in the living room.

"Guys! Guys! Hobi-hyung is weird!.." Kook exclaims pointing to him and he is kicked down by the older, making everyone laugh out loud even more.

I can have fun today. I want to.
One day of fun is okay..right?
I ask myself.
Just today, I plead to the voices in my head.


Not related to the fic but what is up with these two recently?

Not related to the fic but what is up with these two recently?

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Goo night/day. Thank you for reading^^ 3k reads?? I can't believe my eyes😭😭 y'all too kind.

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